Loud News Net
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An independent online media organization, operated by The Mean and Black Diamond, Loud News Net aims to cover a wide range of social and entertainment news and present it to visitors in an honest, approachable manner. Our five channels are Bigger Than Hip Hop, Just Like Music, Weed So Loud, IndiCouch Streams, and The Mixed Bag. If you visit Bigger Than Hip Hop, you will find information about social issues, corruption, gender inequality, dismantling systemic racism, the war on drugs, justice reform, the prison industrial complex, and much else. If you are more into music-related information, check out the latest hip hop news, album reviews, listicles, and interviews on Just Like Music. The channels also have eclectic content on hip hop culture and counter culture. You can hear about the best rappers of all time as well as about celebrities who smoke weed. The Weed So Loud channel focuses on current cannabis news and topics related to medical marijuana, edible recipes, stoner talk, normalization of weed consumption, and the corporate cannabis industry. Do you want to find out the best movie Netflix has to offer? Or watch new programs on other streaming platforms like Hulu and HBOMax? Do you want to get updates on the latest streams, podcasts, movies, and television shows? Then you ought to visit our IndiCouch Streams channel. Here, we also have interviews with film directors and focus on big as well as small screen artforms. Our fifth channel is The Mixed Bag channel. As its name suggests, it contains a mix of everything that you might not find in the other channels, including food, and sports. For more information about the variety of news you can find on Loud News Net, please visit us at https://loudnewsnet.com/about-us/ & https://loudnewsnet.com/category/weed-so-loud/.
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