St Joseph's Church
601 S Kenton StReynolds,
47980 2199845401
Burlington Church Of ChristCatholic ChurchCatholic ChurchesChurches CatholicChurches Places Of WorshipSt Peters Catholic ChurchSt. LukeSt. Mark's Lutheran Church
United Methodist Church
600 E 2nd StReynolds,
47980 2199845366
Brook United Methodist ChurchChurches Places Of WorshipChurches United MethodistFree Methodist ChurchKentland United Methodist ChuchTrinity United Methodist ChurchYeoman United Methodist Church
Bible Baptist Fellowship
203 W 2nd StReynolds,
47980 2192081270
Baptist ChurchesChurches InterdenominationalChurches Places Of WorshipIndependent Baptist ChurchesMilroy Bible Baptist Chuc
St James Lutheran Church
110 N Kenton StReynolds,
47980 2199845421
Child CareChildcare CentersChurches Places Of WorshipDay Care Centers NurseriesDaycareJames And JamesSt Pauls Lutheran ChurchSt. LukeSt. Mark's Lutheran Church