Mullins Elementary School
5729 N Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064322733
Allen Central High SchoolBelfry Middle SchoolBuchanan Board Of EducationBurch Middle SchoolElementary SchoolElementary SchoolsHaysi High SchoolHurley High SchoolInez Elementary SchoolJohn M Stumbo ElementaryKnott County Central High SchoolPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public SchoolsSandlick Elementary SchoolSheldon Clark High School
John's Creek Elementary School
8302 Meta HwyPikeville,
41501 6066311097
Belfry Middle SchoolElementary SchoolElementary SchoolsFree PreschoolHurley High SchoolMiddle SchoolsPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPre K SchoolsPreschools KindergartenPrivate Schools K 12Public Elementary SchoolsPublic High SchoolsPublic Schools
Pikeville Elementary School
105 Bailey BlvdPikeville,
41501 6064324196
Belfry Middle SchoolCity GovernmentCity Of City HallColson HeadstartElementary SchoolElementary SchoolsFeds Creek ElementaryGovernment CityGovernment OfficesHuman Services CenterHurley High SchoolJohnson Cenral High SchoolKnott County Central High SchoolMartin County HeadstartMountain Montessori IncPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPreschoolPreschools KindergartenPrivate Schools K 12Public SchoolsUnemployment OfficeValley Elementary SchoolWarfield Elementary School
Pike County Central High Schl
1901 US Highway 119 NPikeville,
41501 6064324352
Allen Central High SchoolBelfry Middle SchoolHigh SchoolsInez Elementary SchoolJohn M Stumbo ElementaryKnott County Central High SchoolPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public SchoolsSheldon Clark High School
Millard Grade School
20 Rocky RdPikeville,
41501 6064377000
Belfry Middle SchoolHaysi High SchoolHurley High SchoolPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPreschools KindergartenPrivate Schools K 12Public SchoolsSandlick Elementary School
Pikeville City Schools
41501 6064375715
Allen Central High SchoolBelfry Middle SchoolInez Elementary SchoolJohn M Stumbo ElementaryPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public SchoolsSheldon Clark High School
Millard Middle School
8015 Millard HwyPikeville,
41501 6064323380
Belfry Middle SchoolHurley High SchoolMiddle SchoolsPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public Schools
Pike County Board Of Education
208 S Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064339669
Board Of EducationBuchanan County School Board OfficeCity GovernmentCity Of City HallFloyd County Board Of EducationGovernment CityGovernment OfficesHuman Services CenterHurley High SchoolLetcher County Board Of EducationLetcher County Public SchoolsMartin County Board EducationMingo County Board Of EducationPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPike County Court ClerkPrivate Schools K 12Unemployment Office
Pike County School District
314 S Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064339200
Belfry Middle SchoolHurley High SchoolLetcher County Public SchoolsPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Pikeville City Schools
148 2nd StPikeville,
41501 6064328161
Belfry Middle SchoolHurley High SchoolPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public Schools
Pikeville City Schools
447 N Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064375713
Belfry Middle SchoolHurley High SchoolPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public Schools
Pikeville High School
100 Championship DrPikeville,
41501 6064330337
Burch Middle SchoolHaysi High SchoolHigh SchoolsHurley High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Sandlick Elementary School
East Kentucky Beauty College
5333 N Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064323627
Barber CollegeBeauticiansBeauty SchoolBeauty SchoolsCosmetology SchoolCosmetology SchoolsNail Tech SchoolSouthern West Virginia Community College
Millard Area Vocational Education Center
7925 Millard HwyPikeville,
41501 6064376059
Business Vocational SchoolsCatholic SchoolsCourt ReportersForklift CertificationForklift TrainingIndustrial Technical Trade SchoolsMingo County Vocational Technical CenterUniversity Of VirginiaWelding SchoolWelding Schools
Pike County Board of Education
316 S Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064327700
Belfry Middle SchoolBoard Of EducationFloyd County Board Of EducationJohn M Stumbo ElementaryLetcher County Board Of EducationLetcher County Public SchoolsMartin County Board EducationMingo County Board Of EducationPhelps Elementary SchoolPhelps High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Pikeville College
214 Sycamore StPikeville,
41501 6062185250
Alice Lloyd CollegeBelfry Middle SchoolColleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegeCommunity CollegesEzel Elementary SchoolFloyd County Board Of EducationJames Still Learning CtrLees CollegePrivate Schools K 12Rw Combs SchoolSoutheast Community CollegeSouthern West Virginia Community CollegeStrayer UniversityWhitesburg High School
Christ Central School
630 Adams RdPikeville,
41501 6064329565
Belfry Middle SchoolCatholic SchoolsJohnson Cenral High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
North Point Academy
5279 N Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064330181
Belfry Middle SchoolCatholic SchoolsJohnson Cenral High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Pike Central High School
1901 US Highway 119 NPikeville,
41501 6064324352
Burch Middle SchoolHigh SchoolHigh SchoolsHurley High School
Millard Area Vocational Educ
7925 Millard HwyPikeville,
41501 6064376059
Colleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegesIndustrial Technical Trade SchoolsJohnson Cenral High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
St Francis Catholic School & Convent
147 Bryan StPikeville,
41501 6064376117
Belfry Middle SchoolCatholic Religious StoresJohnson Cenral High SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Big Sandy Community College
120 S Riverfill RdPikeville,
41501 6062182060
Big Sandy ReccColleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegesIndustrial Technical Trade SchoolsMingo County Vocational Technical CenterSouthern West Virginia Community CollegeVocational Schools
Dance Gallery
1186 Penny HwyPikeville,
41501 6066393269
Ballet ClassesBallroom Dance LessonsBelly Dance ClassesBelly Dancing ClassesDance SchoolsDance StudioDance StudiosDancing InstructionDancing SchoolsHip Hop Dance ClassHip Hop Dance ClassesLine DancingPole DancePole DancingZumba
East Kentucky Broadcasting
1240 Radio DrPikeville,
41501 6064374770
Industrial Technical Trade SchoolsMingo County Vocational Technical CenterTv Repair ShopsVocational Schools
National College of Business
92 Sunshine LnPikeville,
41501 6064783854
Business Vocational SchoolsColleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegeCommunity CollegesCourt ReporterCourt ReportersIndustrial Technical Trade SchoolsMingo County Vocational Technical Center
National College
50 National College BlvdPikeville,
41501 6064787200
Business Vocational SchoolsColleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegesCourt ReportersIndustrial Technical Trade SchoolsMingo County Vocational Technical Center
Pikeville High School Office
120 Championship DrPikeville,
41501 6064323902
High SchoolsPrivate Schools K 12
Flip Flop Gymnastics
2361 Ratliff Creek RdPikeville,
41501 6064371234
Gymnastics ClassesGymnastics InstructionGymnastics SchoolsTumbling Classes
Jack-B-Nimble Gymnastics
45 Caney DrPikeville,
41501 6066392626
Boxing GymFitness CenterFitness CentersFitness GymsGymnasiumsGymnastics ClassesGymnastics InstructionGymnastics SchoolsHealth Clubs GymsTumbling ClassesZumba Classes
Kimper Grade School
8151 State Highway 194 WPikeville,
41501 6066311509
Private Schools K 12
Pikesville City Schools Admin
401 N Mayo TrlPikeville,
41501 6064375700
Private Schools K 12
St Francis Catholic Church
132 Bryan StPikeville,
41501 6064376822
Bingo PlacesCatholic ChurchCatholic ChurchesCatholic Religious StoresCatholic SchoolsChruchesChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches CatholicChurches Places Of WorshipRoman Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic ChurchesSacred Heart Catholic Church
St Francis Catholic School
147 Bryan StPikeville,
41501 6064376117
Catholic Religious StoresCatholic Schools