A J Tucker Hwi Hardware
Albemarle RdMidland,
28107 7048885971
Auto PartsAutomobile Parts SuppliesBrian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceLawn CareLawn Mower PartsLawn Mower ServiceLawn MowersState Auto SalvageSti Turf Care Equipment
A Mother's Touch Daycare
9870 Jim Sossoman RdMidland,
28107 7047957794
Child CareDay CareDaycareInfant Daycare
A Mother's Touch Daycare And After School Care
9870 Hwy 601 SMidland,
28107 7047957797
Child CareDay CareDaycareInfant Daycare
A Performer 4 U
13175 Old Camden RdMidland,
28107 7046157358
Dj ServicesKaraoke Bars
A W Haigler Construction Service
10329 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044555777
Building ContractorsClayton Homes Manufacturing PlantConstruction CompaniesGeneral ContractorsHouse FramersPlumberPlumbersPlumbing ContractorsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersRealty Companies
Able Exterior Remodeling
1017 Robert Bost RdMidland,
28107 7048885272
ContractorsRoofersRoofing Contractors
Able Exterior Remodeling & Roofing
10110 Robert Bost RdMidland,
28107 7048884000
ContractorsHome ImprovementsHome RemodelingRoofersRoofing Contractors
Able Exterior Remodeling & Roofing Company
10107 Robert Bost RdMidland,
28107 7048885272
ContractorsRoofersRoofing Contractors
Able Exterior Remodeling & Roofing Company
2309 Barkley RdMidland,
28107 7048884000
ContractorsRoofersRoofing Contractors
Abstract Direct Inc
4285 Highway 24 27 E 27 E, Ste D4Midland,
28107 7048881606
Title Companies
Accurate Service Corp
2209 Barkley RdMidland,
28107 7048884839
Deck DoctorPressure Washing
Ace Paving Company
11700 Reed Mine RdMidland,
28107 7045179815
Concrete ContractorsConcrete Pipe ManufacturersConcrete SidewalkDriveway ContractorsDrivewaysGravel DrivewaysPrecast ConcreteWhere To Buy Concrete Steps
Action Glass & Mirror Inc
2940 McManus RdMidland,
28107 7045439875
Bathroom RemodelingCarolina Vinyl WindowsMirrorsShower Doors EnclosuresStorefront
Aderdeen Carolina And Western Railway
13735 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7048884126
Train Station
Affordable Countertops
10414 Kentmont DrMidland,
28107 7044883823
Granite Countertops
Ahua, Roselyn OD
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883937
Doctors Who Accept MedicaidEye CareEye DoctorEye DoctorsEye GlassesOpthamologistOptometristOptometristsPhysicians Surgeons Ophthalmology
AJ Tucker Supply Inc
1321 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885891
Auto Body ShopAuto RepairAutomobile Body Repairing PaintingCar RepairHardware StoreHardware StoresManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing FacilitiesMarshville HardwarePlumbing SupplyTruck Paint JobsWhitley Manufacturing Co IncWhitley Monahan Handle
Alpha Communications Inc
12161 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882366
Dales Hauling GradingGrading Contractors
Altair Engineering Inc
4285 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048889982
Engineering Firms
Ambassador Tile-Marble Installation
6160 Waters Edge DrMidland,
28107 7048880606
Backsplash Tile StoresCeramic Tile StoresFlooringTile Contractors & DealersTile Countertop InstallTile Countertop Installation
Anthony's Bobcat & Trenching Service
1335 Forest Bluff DrMidland,
28107 7048883420
Dales Hauling GradingEvans Grading ServiceExcavation ContractorsGrading ContractorsTrenching Underground Services
ASR Enterprises
4365 Thermal AveMidland,
28107 7048886500
Auto DealersBuy Here Pay HereCar DealersCar DealershipsUsed Auto DealersUsed Car DealerUsed Car DealersUsed Car DealershipsUsed Cars DealersYes Auto
B & D Mart
4445 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885285
Convenience StoresFoodGas StationsNo Ethanol Gas StationsOil And Gas Companies
B & M Enterprises
11355 Callisto CtMidland,
28107 7044559048
Frozen YogurtIce Cream Frozen DessertsManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing Facilities
B R Hartsell Homes
13887 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7048882978
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesHartsellHome RemodelingHouse Framers
Bacchus International Inc
13080 Pine Bluff RdMidland,
28107 7048883552
Atv DealersSnowmobile Rentals
Banks Massey Grading Co
1335 Forest Bluff DrMidland,
28107 7048883420
Dales Hauling GradingEvans Grading ServiceGrading Contractors
Barringer Transportation
8508 Reed Mine RdMidland,
28107 7047860475
Bars With Live MusicHotshot TruckingTrucking CompaniesTrucking Motor Freight
Beaver Dam Nursery
12193 Pine Bluff RdMidland,
28107 7048881506
Concrete Garden StatuesGarden CentersManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing FacilitiesNurseries Plants TreesNurseryPlant NurseriesPlant Nursery
Beck, William R
10823 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044553004
Animal ClinicAnimal HospitalEmergency Veterinary ClinicVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinary Clinics
Belks Masonry & Remodeling
100 Pinewood LnMidland,
28107 7048883284
Mason ContractorsMasonry Contractors
Best Value Used Cars LLC
4550 Hwy 24/27 East, Suite 6Midland,
28107 7048393181
Auto DealersBuy Here Pay HereCar DealersCar DealershipsUsed Auto DealersUsed Car DealerUsed Car DealersUsed Car DealershipsUsed Cars DealersYes Auto
Bestway Rental Inc
4285 Highway 24 27 E 27 E, Ste DMidland,
28107 7047812510
Equipment RentalRental Equipment
Bestway Rental Inx Nc
PO Box 24 Apt 27Midland,
28107 7047812510
Equipment RentalRental Equipment
Bethel Athletic Association
2425 Midland RdMidland,
28107 7048886623
Calvary Praise Worship CenterChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipGreater Tabernacle House Of Prayer
Bethel Elementary School
2240 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048888122
Bethel Elementary SchoolElementary SchoolsHeritage Christian SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Public Schools
Bethel Elementary School
2425 Midland RdMidland,
28107 7048888122
Bethel Elementary SchoolCatholic SchoolsChild CareDay Care Centers NurseriesDaycare CentersElementary SchoolsHeritage Christian SchoolInfant DaycareNurseryPrivate Schools K 12
Bethel Milling Co
1801 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048882178
Anderson FarmsFeed MillFeed MillsFeed StoreLivestockMauneys Feed Mill Inc
Bethel United Methodist Church
12700 Idlebrook RdMidland,
28107 7048888115
United Methodist Church
Bethel United Methodist Preschool
12700 Idlebrook RdMidland,
28107 7048888115
Calvary Praise Worship CenterChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches MethodistChurches Places Of WorshipChurches United MethodistFirst United Methodist ChurchGreater Tabernacle House Of PrayerHopewell United Methodist ChurchNew London United Methodist ChurchPre K SchoolsPreschoolPreschools Kindergarten
Biggers Lawn & Landscape
420 Highway 24 27 WMidland,
28107 7048884789
Bulk MulchDrainage SystemsLandsaceplandscapeLandscaping
Biggers Lawn & Landscape, Inc.
420 Hwy 24/27 WMidland,
28107 7048884789
Construction CompaniesDrainage SystemsFireplace InsertsFireplace StoreFireplace StoresFireplacesGas Fireplace RepairGas FireplacesGodfrey Construction Co. Inc.Grass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscapingLawn Mower ServiceOutdoor Fire PitsPool WaterSwimming Pool ConstructionSwimming Pool ContractorsSwimming Pool Equipment And Supplies DealersWood Stoves
Blind Man The
668 W Nc Hwy 24-27 MidlandMidland,
28107 7042694382
Bonded Window CleanersCarolina Vinyl WindowsDraperies Curtains Window TreatmentsHandymanHome DecoratorsHome ImprovementsHome RemodelingHome Repair MaintenanceInterior Bargains At WowInterior Designers DecoratorsThe Blind Man
Blue Baboons Fun Time Events
4285 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7045880806
Birthday Party PlacesBounce House RentalBounce House RentalsBounce HousesBouncer RentalsChildrens Party Planning EntertainmentClownsInflatable Party RentalsInflatable RentalsInflatable Water Slides RentalsJumper RentalsKids Birthday PartiesParty Halls For RentParty Rentals InflatablesParty Supply StoreParty Venues
Blue Baboons Fun Time Events
4337 Thermal AveMidland,
28107 7048885252
Birthday Party PlacesBounce House RentalBounce House RentalsBounce HousesBouncer RentalsBuds Bodacious Carolina Catering BbqCaterersCatering ServicesChildrens Birthday Party VenuesChildrens Party Planning EntertainmentEquipment RentalHelium Tank RentalInflatable Party RentalsInflatable RentalsInflatable Water Slides RentalsJumper RentalsKids Birthday PartiesLinen RentalParty Hall RentalsParty Halls For RentParty Rentals InflatablesParty StoreParty SuppliesParty Supply RentalParty Supply StoreRental EquipmentTable And Chair Rental
Bob's Restaurant
13230 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883898
Best RestaurantsBobs RestaurantCompass Family RestaurantDining RestaurantsFamily Style RestaurantsFoodPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment SuppliesWayside Family Restaurant
BOC Group
3537 Fieldstone TrceMidland,
28107 7048883755
FarrierHorse Supplies
Bonterra Builders
558 Iron Horse LnMidland,
28107 7044547427
Clayton Homes Manufacturing PlantConstruction CompaniesContractorsHome BuildersHouse FramersReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersRealty Companies
Brandywine Stables
3424 Drake RdMidland,
28107 7048889096
Horse Boarding StablesHorse FarmsHorse FarrierHorse Riding LessonsHorse StablesHorseback RidingRocky Creek Stables
BSC Swimming Pool
9408 Belt RdMidland,
28107 7045454052
Public PoolPublic PoolsPublic Swimming PoolsSwimming Pool Equipment And Supplies DealersSwimming Pools PublicWater Aerobics
Building Block
12420 Hartwood StMidland,
28107 7048882047
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesHouse Framers
C H Lawn Care
2209 McManus RdMidland,
28107 7048882072
Lawn Services
C J's Grill
11850 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882979
Dining RestaurantsFoodPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
C N Furr Masonry Co
175 Alvin Hough RdMidland,
28107 7048885654
Mason ContractorsMasonry Contractors
Cabarrus County Lunchplus Club
11487 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044559611
Cabarrus County Group Homes IncGovernment County Parish
Cabarrus County Schools
2240 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885811
Bethel Elementary SchoolCatholic SchoolsHeritage Christian SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Cabarrus Station Grill
13085 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7048884202
Dining RestaurantsFoodPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Cafe Marie Home Cooking
1276 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048886309
Coffee Shops
California Scism Construction Co
16200 Blackberry Hills DrMidland,
28107 7045071143
Building ContractorsC A Scism Construction CompanyConstruction CompaniesGodfrey Construction Co. Inc.House Framers
Calvary Praise & Worship Center
1651 E Nc 24-27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048884680
Calvary Praise Worship CenterChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipGreater Tabernacle House Of Prayer
Calvary Praise & Worship Center
1651 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048884680
Calvary Praise Worship CenterChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipGreater Tabernacle House Of Prayer
Canines Cats & Critters
15688 Bethel Avenue ExtMidland,
28107 7047534722
Animal ClinicAnimal HospitalDog Boarding KennelsDog KennelDog KennelsExotic Pet StoresHorse VeterinariansKennels And BoardingLarge Animal VetPet Boarding KennelsPet Sitting Exercising ServicesTag KennelVeterinary Clinics
Carolina Bible College
9690 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7047844200
Colleges UniversitiesCommunity CollegeCommunity CollegesHeritage Christian SchoolPrivate Schools K 12Strayer University
Carolina Counters
13570 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7048884010
Granite CountertopsManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing Facilities
Carolina Electrical Svc
PO Box 200Midland,
28107 7045732710
Electrical ContractorsElectricianElectricians
Carolina Exterior Shades
3187 Drake RoadMidland,
28107 19803613783
Public email (click to show)
Carolina Exterior Shades is a local outdoor shades company focused on providing exterior roller shades to homeowners and commercial business owners looking to create a pleasant outdoor or indoor space. Exterior shades provide protection from harsh UV rays, insects, more privacy, climate control and more. We only carry the best quality materials that are fully customizable and have a variety of different colors and texture options.
Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Tue: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 14:00
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, ATM / Debit, American Express, Discover
Window Treatment Store
Open Business in New Tab
Carolina Lawn Service
11807 Riceland WayMidland,
28107 7048885008
Brian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceBulk MulchGrass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn MaintenanceLawn Mower ServiceRoss Farms
Carriff Corp Inc
3500 Fieldstone TrceMidland,
28107 7048883330
Manufacturing CompaniesManufacturing FacilitiesWade Manufacturing Company IncWhitley Manufacturing Co Inc
Carriker, Randolph B, CPA
12360 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048881777
Accountants Certified PublicCpa Firms
Chandler's Gutter Service
3435 Cal Bost RdMidland,
28107 7047842075
Deaton Gutter ServiceGutters Downspouts
Charlotte Outdoor Living
11498 CedarvaleMidland,
28107 7045608915
Construction CompaniesFireplace InsertsFireplace StoreFireplace StoresFireplacesGas Fireplace RepairGas FireplacesGrass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscapingOutdoor Fire PitsPool WaterSwimming Pool ConstructionSwimming Pool ContractorsSwimming Pool Equipment And Supplies DealersWood Stoves
Charlotte Printing Co Inc
12021 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7048880249
Office SuppliesPrinter RepairPrintersPrinting Services Commercial
Church Hill Stables
45 Winding Trail LnMidland,
28107 7044545474
Christian Book StoreChristian Book StoresChristian BookstoresChurch Supplies ServicesChurches InRed Cross Baptist ChurchReligious Stores
Circle E Ranch
7131 Nc 200 HwyMidland,
28107 7047861767
AgriculturalAnderson FarmsAw Shucks Corn Maze Pumpkin PatchEgg FarmLee Howell FarmRanchesRiverbend FarmRoss Farms
City Of Locus Water And Sewer Dept
6307 Bluffton LnMidland,
28107 7048883852
Department Of LaborGovernment Offices
City Wide Exterminating Inc
660 Family DrMidland,
28107 7048880918
City Wide ExterminatingDellinger Exterminating Co IncHome InspectorsPest Control ServicesRemote Control Boat Shop
Clear Creek Scout Camp Dining Hall
9408 Belt RdMidland,
28107 7045451614
Camp BarnhardtCamping
Cloud, E Elaine, MD
12925 Highway 601 # 300Midland,
28107 7048883702
Doctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorMedicalOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons
CMT Systems
3969 Chatter LnMidland,
28107 7047879540
ComputerTroyer Medical Inc Pc
Collins Landscaping & Grading
9477 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7047915520
Grass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscaping
Colonial Insurance Investment Services
4285 E Nc 24-27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048885945
Colonial Insurance Services
4285 Highway 24 27 E 27Midland,
28107 7048883232
Colonial Insurance Services Inc
4285 Nc Hwy 24-27 EMidland,
28107 7048883232
Insurance Agents
Construction Equipment & Supply Company Inc
13550 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882093
Construction CompaniesContractorsGeneral ContractorsGodfrey Construction Co. Inc.Home BuildersHouse Framers
Corning Inc
14556 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7045696000
Corning Incorporated
Corning Inc
3521 Fieldstone TrceMidland,
28107 7048884107
Corning Incorporated
Country Enterprises
3400 Kiser RdMidland,
28107 7048882890
Antique MallAntique Repair RestorationAntique ShopsAntique Stores
Country Home Real Estate
4001 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048886335
DuplexesHomes For RentHouses For RentJd Mullis RealtyMccoy Real EstateMobile Homes For RentPriority Real EstateReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate Management Salisbury NcReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty CompaniesUwharrie Real Estate
County Line Tire
9924 Concord HwyMidland,
28107 7047531025
Cheap Used TiresKenda Tire DealersMcentire TiresUsed Tire Dealers
County Of Cabarrus
12767 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048885599
Ambulance ServicesNon Emergency Medical Transportation
Cp Builders
10677 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044559953
Air Conditioning Contractors SystemsBuilding ContractorsByrum Heating Air ConditioningConstruction CompaniesDavie Heating Air ConditioningGeneral ContractorsHome BuildersHome RemodelingHouse FramersHvac Contractors
Cross Roads Tire Store
4430 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048882064
Cheap Used TiresMcentire TiresThe ShopTire DealersUsed Tire Dealers
Crossroads Pizza
13085 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7047815443
Anzi PizzaCrossroads PizzaDining RestaurantsFoodIncredible PizzaPizza And BeyondPizza DeliveryPizza PlacesPizza RestaurantsPizza StopPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Crump, Phyllis, MD
12925 Highway 601 # 300Midland,
28107 7048883702
Doctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorMedicalOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons
Ctn Travels
306 Neighbors DrMidland,
28107 7048880698
Sightseeing ToursSnowmobile ToursTravel AgenciesTravel AgentsVacation
Custom Masonry Inc
12087 Loving RdMidland,
28107 7048881573
Mason ContractorsMasonry Contractors
Cutty's Southern Outdoor
9804 Concord HwyMidland,
28107 7047533478
Brian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceGrass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscape Drainage ContractorsLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn Mower Service
D'anna's kitchen family restaurant
11850 hwy 601Midland,
28107 7048880935
Compass Family RestaurantDining RestaurantsFamily Style RestaurantsFoodPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment SuppliesWayside Family Restaurant
Dale Love Siding Inc
10889 Cameron LnMidland,
28107 7047882784
Siding ContractorsVinyl Siding
Dan Clay Electrical Inc
910 Honeysuckle LnMidland,
28107 7048882400
Dan Clay Electrical IncElectrical ContractorsElectricianElectricians
Dan King Plumbing Heating & Air
3204 Lentel RdMidland,
28107 7048886947
Air Conditioning Contractors SystemsByrum Heating Air ConditioningDavie Heating Air ConditioningHvac ContractorsPlumberPlumbersPlumbing Contractors
Dave's Tree Service
13572 Sterling CirMidland,
28107 7048886816
Dryes Qlty Tree Stump RemovalTree RemovalTree Service
David Polk Stables
3001 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7049981418
Horse Boarding StablesHorse FarmsLivestockShamrock Stables
Deborah Ragsdale Studio
4075 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 9805212135
Photographers PortraitPhotographyPortrait PhotographersWedding Photography
Design A Trophy Inc
2218 Cabarrus Farms RdMidland,
28107 7048884326
Aaa TrophyTrophies Plaques MedalsTrophy Heaven Engraving Services
Do it Best
1321 Highway 24 27 WMidland,
28107 7048885971
Hardware StoreHardware StoresMarshville HardwarePlumbing SupplyWhitley Monahan Handle
Dunkin' Donuts
4350 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048883377
BagelsBreakfastCoffee ShopsDining RestaurantsDonut ShopsDonutsDunkin DonutsFoodPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Dustin Puckett Trucking
122 Barrier Farms RdMidland,
28107 7043096871
Hotshot TruckingTrucking Companies
Dy Marc K MD
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883702
Doctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorMedicalOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons
E C Davis III Grading Co
9804 Concord HwyMidland,
28107 7047533478
Dales Hauling GradingEvans Grading ServiceGrading Contractors
Easter Seals
4293 Highway 2427 # AMidland,
28107 7048888884
Habitate For Humanity RestoreMarriage LicenseSocial Service OrganizationsSocial ServicesWomen SheltersWomens ShelterWomens Shelters
Eaton Kyle OD
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883937
Doctors Who Accept MedicaidEye CareEye DoctorEye DoctorsEye GlassesOpthamologistOptometristOptometristsPhysicians Surgeons Ophthalmology
Ebenezer A M E Zion Rd
12100 Jim Sossoman RdMidland,
28107 7048888422
African American ChurchesCalvary Praise Worship CenterChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches African Methodist Episcopal (Ame)Churches African Methodist Episcopal Zion Ame ZionChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipEbenezer Lutheran ChurchGreater Tabernacle House Of PrayerMt Zion Ame Zion Church
Economy Exterminator Inc
12480 Grey Commercial RdMidland,
28107 7048478088
Dellinger Exterminating Co IncPest Control ServicesRemote Control Boat Shop
Ecoshine Car Wash
9617 Bethel Church RdMidland,
28107 7047867899
Auto DetailingAutomobile DetailingCar DetailingCar WashSelf Car WashSelf Serve Car WashTruck Wash In Nc
Edwards Power Cleaning
7131 Nc 200 HwyMidland,
28107 7047861767
Cleaning ServicesDeck DoctorJanitorial Cleaning CompaniesPressure Washing
Era Four Seasons Realty
4293 Highway 24 27 E 27Midland,
28107 7048883807
Anderson Real EstateDuplexesForeclosureHomes For RentHouses For RentMccoy Real EstateReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate Management Salisbury NcReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty CompaniesUwharrie Real Estate L L C
Era Four Seasons Realty
4923 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048883807
Anderson Real EstateDuplexesForeclosureHomes For RentHouses For RentMccoy Real EstateReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate Management Salisbury NcReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty CompaniesUwharrie Real Estate L L C
Evangelistic Press
12021 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7043771358
PrintersPrinting Services Commercial
Everything Going To Pieces Inc
2775 Lilly DrMidland,
28107 7048881633
Ceramics Equipment Supplies
980 Ben Black RdMidland,
28107 7043630885
Bad Credit Personal LoansBuy Here Pay HereTitle Loans
4445 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885285
No Ethanol Gas Stations
Eye Care Clinic OD PA
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883937
Eye CareEye GlassesEye OptixOptical Goods
Eyeoptix Vision And Laser Center Od Pa
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883937
Eye Optix
Farmer, Brenda L
4001 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048886335
Commercial Real EstateDuplexesHomes For RentHouses For RentReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty Companies
Fifth Third Bank
4411 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885984
5 3 BankBad Credit Personal LoansBanksBuy Here Pay HereCommercial Savings BanksFifth Third BankHome Savings Bank Of AlbemarleReal Estate CompaniesRealty CompaniesTitle Loans
First Baptist Church
4720 Garmon Mill RdMidland,
28107 7048885072
Churches Baptist Conservative Baptist AssociationFirst Baptist ChurchFirst Freewill Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist Churches
First Baptist Church Of Midland
4720 Garmon Mill RdMidland,
28107 7048885072
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesCalvary Praise Worship CenterChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches Baptist GeneralChurches Baptist IndependentChurches Baptist ReformedChurches Baptist SouthernChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipCoyle Baptist ChurchFirst Baptist Church AnsonvilleFirst Baptist Church OfFirst Baptist OfGreater Tabernacle House Of PrayerIndependent Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesMain Street Baptist ChurchNew Haven Baptist ChurchNewell Baptist ChurchSouthern Baptist ChurchesStanfield Baptist Church
First Charter
4411 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048885984
BankBanksCommercial Savings BanksFirst BankHome Savings Bank Of Albemarle
Five Oaks Realty Inc
16409 Cobbler DrMidland,
28107 7045450777
Anderson Real EstateDuplexesForeclosureHomes For RentHouses For RentMccoy Real EstatePriority Real EstateReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate Management Salisbury NcReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty Companies
Flowe S J Grading Co Inc
15500 Bethel Avenue ExtMidland,
28107 7048883817
Evans Grading Service
Flowe S J Grading Co Inc
15550 Bethel Avenue ExtMidland,
28107 7048883817
Dales Hauling GradingExcavation ContractorsGrading ContractorsJ O Flowe
Fountain Landscaping
9599 John White RdMidland,
28107 7043664551
Brian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceGrass SodLandsaceplandscapeLandscape ContractorsLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn Mower Service
Francus K
9350 John White RdMidland,
28107 7042620446
Doctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorMedicalOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons
Furniture Medic
300 Barrier Farms RdMidland,
28107 7048884197
Antique FurnitureAntique MallAntique Repair RestorationAntique ShopsAntique StoresFurniture Repair RefinishFurniture UpholsteryUpholstery Furniture
Furr & Dulin PA PA
12360 Highway 601 MidlandMidland,
28107 7048881777
Accountants Certified PublicCpa Firms
Fuzzy Faces
4410 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048880062
Dog GroomersDog GroomingExotic Pet StoresPawfectionPet Grooming
G W Transport
13748 Bethel Avenue Ext # 5Midland,
28107 7049965684
Hotshot TruckingTrucking Companies
Gary Morgan Masonary
8819 Highway 601Midland,
28107 9806215682
Concrete ContractorsConcrete Pipe ManufacturersConcrete SidewalkMason ContractorsMasonry ContractorsPrecast ConcreteWhere To Buy Concrete Steps
Genes Backyard Barbeque
2050 Ben Black RdMidland,
28107 7048883634
Buds Bodacious Carolina Catering BbqCaterersCatering ServicesJohnnies
Gerald Clontz Trucking
9924 Concord HwyMidland,
28107 7047534176
Hotshot TruckingTrucking Companies
Glass Wizard
1 Highway 24 27 E 27 WMidland,
28107 7046991633
Auto Glass RepairWindshield Repair
Good Ole Boys Diner
13085 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7048882255
Anzi PizzaCrossroads PizzaDeliDining RestaurantsFoodPapa Joes Pizzeria IncPizza And BeyondPizza DeliveryPizza PlacesPizza RestaurantsPizza StopPlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsSandwich ShopsUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Green Effect Land & Tree
Serving AreaMidland,
28107 7043026722
Public email (click to show)
Don’t compromise your greenery—bring in a team of tree care specialists to carefully cultivate your landscape. Our team has the knowledge and skill set needed to identify troublesome trees and trim them back to promote healthy growth. We’ll make sure your trees aren’t stunted or at risk of disease. Your tree line will look impeccable all year long when you trust us to tend your trees!
Schedule an appointment with Green Effect Land & Tree by calling 704-302-6722.
Open 24Hours
Tree Service
Open Business in New Tab
Greenock Veterinary Hospital
10823 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044553004
24 Hour VetAnimal ClinicAnimal HospitalEmergency Veterinary ClinicHorse Veterinarians
Griffin Oil Co
4001 Garmon Mill RdMidland,
28107 7048882271
Fuel OilHeating Oil
H & R Mullis Machine Inc
151 W Nc 24-27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048883300
Cnc Machine ShopsFabrication
Hager, Raeford
16624 Wild Cherry LnMidland,
28107 7045451624
ArchitectsArchitecture Firms
Haggerty, John
Robert Bost Rd MidlandMidland,
28107 7048885272
ContractorsRoofing Contractors
Haigler Carpet & Interior Inc
11842 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048883351
Backsplash Tile StoresBuilding ContractorsCarpet InstallationCarpet RemnantsCarpet Rug DealersCarpet StoresCeramic Tile StoresCheap FlooringCmh Flooring Products IncConstruction CompaniesFloor Cleaning Equipment RentalFlooring ContractorsGeneral ContractorsHandymanHardwood Floor RefinishingHardwood FloorsHome DecoratorsHome ImprovementsHome RemodelingHome Repair MaintenanceHouse FramersInterior Bargains At WowInterior Designers DecoratorsProperty 2 ArtTile Contractors & DealersTile Contractors DealersTile Countertop InstallTile Countertop InstallationUsed Mobile Home Dealers
Hair Topia
224 Highway 24 27 E 27 WMidland,
28107 7048885116
African American Hair SalonsBeauty SalonBeauty SalonsBelize Salon Day SpaBlack Hair Barber ShopsBlack Hair SalonsBody WaxingCrossroads Salon Red Cross NcFacialsHair CutHair ExtensionsHaircutNailsPedicure
Hair Topia
224 Highway 24 27 E 27Midland,
28107 7048885116
African American Hair SalonsBarber ShopBarber ShopsBarbershopsBeauty SalonBeauty SalonsBelize Salon Day SpaBlack Hair Barber ShopsBlack Hair SalonsBody WaxingCrossroads Salon Red Cross NcFacialsHair CutHair ExtensionsHair StylistsHaircutNailsPeace Of Mind And Hair Accessories By Becky SiffordPedicure
Hal Little Garage
9775 Bethel Church RdMidland,
28107 7047825998
Auto Body ShopAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Service RepairAutomobile Body Repairing PaintingCar RepairOil ChangeTruck Paint Jobs
Harpe's Fencing & Lawn Maintenance
4111 Pelham LnMidland,
28107 7048880778
Chain Link FenceFence CompaniesFence ContractorsFence MaterialsFence RepairFence Sales Service ContractorsGalvanized FenceMaybury Fencing
Harrell's TL Construction
3406 Brickwood CirMidland,
28107 7042011786
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesHouse Framers
Hartsell David
4285 Nc 24 27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048885945
Hartsell Funeral Home
13575 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7048885571
Bumgardner Funeral Home ObituariesCrematoriesDeathsFleming Funeral HomeFuneral DirectorsFuneral Homes ObituariesFuneral PlanningFuneral ServicesHartsell Funeral HomeHeadstonesKings Funeral HomeMiller Rivers Caulder Funeral
Hartsell Funeral Homes
13575 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7042694383
Bumgardner Funeral Home ObituariesCarothers Funeral HomeCarpenters Funeral HomeCemetery HeadstonesCollard Funeral HomeCrematoriesDeathsEdwards Funeral HomeEdwards Funeral Home NcEdwards Funeral Home Of Mt Gilead IncFleming Funeral HomeFuneral DirectorsFuneral Homes ObituariesFuneral ServicesGaskin Funeral ServicesGrave MarkersGrave StonesHartsell Funeral HomeKings Funeral HomeKnotts Wade Funeral HomeLeavitts Funeraol HomeLinn Honeycutt Funeral HomeMiller Rivers Caulder FuneralMonumentsMorven CemeteryPowles Funeral HomeSmith Funeral HomeSmith Furneral HomeSmiths Funeral Home
Hartsell Motorcycle Parts
6767 Nc 24 27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048883905
Hartsell Motorcycle Parts ServiceMotorcycle HelmetsMotorcycle RepairMotorcycle TiresMotorcycles Motor Scooters Parts SuppliesPolaris Atv Parts
Hartsell, David
4285 Highway 24 27 E 27 E # AMidland,
28107 7048883232
Hartsell, Jeff
13575 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7048885571
CrematoriesDeathsFuneral HomeFuneral HomesFuneral Information Advisory ServicesHartsellHeadstonesObituaries
Harvells Roofing & Siding
3353 Drake RdMidland,
28107 7048881301
ContractorsLeaf GuardRoofersRoofing Contractors
Harwood Automotive
3130 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048888709
A1 Auto Recycling Cash For Junk Cars 704 351 2899 Gastonia Nc Charlotte NcAutmotiveAuto Body ShopAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Service RepairCar RepairHarkey AutomotiveHarwood AutomotiveOil ChangeTrawick AutomotiveTraywick AutomotiveWhitley Automotive
Hatchbag Inc
12440 Grey Commercial RdMidland,
28107 7048888068
Auto Body ShopAuto PartsAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Service RepairAutomobile Parts SuppliesCar RepairOil Change
Hatchbag Inc
160 Winding Trail LnMidland,
28107 7048888068
Auto Upholstery RepairAutomobile Seat Covers Tops UpholsteryAutomobile UpholsteryConvertible Top RepairEfird E S Country Classic InteriorsJ J Auto UpholsteryUpholstery Foam
Higher Caliber Tree & Lawn Service
28107 7045784620
Brian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceDryes Qlty Tree Stump RemovalLandsaceplandscapeLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn MaintenanceLawn Mower ServiceRoss FarmsSodTree RemovalTree Service
Higher Caliber Tree and Lawn Service
3355 Flagler CirMidland,
28107 7045784620
Agro Green SprayingBrian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceDean Helms Tree Service IncDryes Qlty Tree Stump RemovalGrass CuttingHeaven Lawn LandscapingLandsaceplandscapeLandscapersLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn MaintenanceLawn Mower ServiceRoss FarmsSodStump GrindingTree CuttingTree Removal
Hood Wayne Construction
14030 Old Camden RdMidland,
28107 7045455811
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesGeneral ContractorsHome BuildersHome RemodelingHouse Framers
Horticultural Enterprises
51 Alvin Hough RdMidland,
28107 9802359083
Horticultural Enterprises Inc
Howell Grading & Septic Tank
12800 Sam Black RdMidland,
28107 7048884282
Evans GradingExcavation ContractorsHowell
Hughes Automotive
496 Highway 24 27 WMidland,
28107 7048880425
A1 Auto Recycling Cash For Junk Cars 704 351 2899 Gastonia Nc Charlotte NcAutmotiveAuto Body ShopAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Service RepairCar RepairHarkey AutomotiveHarwood AutomotiveOil ChangeTrawick AutomotiveTraywick AutomotiveWhitley Automotive
Hunter Oak Farm At Running Wnd
ROBERT Bost RdMidland,
28107 7044917818
Rv StorageSelf StorageStorage Units
K & W Laboratories
1121 Highway 24 27 WMidland,
28107 7048881211
Testing LaboratoriesWell Water Testing
Kee's Welding Service
10176 Robert Bost RdMidland,
28107 7048886506
WeldersWelding Shops
Kelley, Theodore M, MD
12925 Highway 601 # 300Midland,
28107 7048883702
Doctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorMedicalOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons
Kelly,s Nails
13175 Old Camden RdMidland,
28107 9806210292
Crossroads Salon Red Cross NcFoot SpaHello NailsLe NailsNail SalonNail SalonsNails SalonNails TimePedicure
Kellyeads Daycare W
13175 Old Camden RdMidland,
28107 7048881800
Child CareDay CareDaycareInfant Daycare
Kids Plus Program Bethel
2240 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048888122
Heritage Christian SchoolPrivate Schools K 12
Kings Motors
1320 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048882145
Auto DealersCar DealersCar DealershipsUsed Auto DealersUsed Car DealerUsed Car DealersUsed Car DealershipsUsed Cars DealersUsed Outboard Motors For Sale
Kirk Davis Landscape & Nursery
9838 Reed Mine RdMidland,
28107 7047234769
Nursery Wholesale Growers
Kiser's Mountain Top Farm
2185 Wallace RdMidland,
28107 7048883721
AgriculturalAnderson FarmsAw Shucks Corn Maze Pumpkin PatchEgg FarmLee Howell FarmRiverbend FarmRoss Farms
Knapheide Truck Equipment Co
3572 Fieldstone TrceMidland,
28107 7048883130
Auto PartsConsolidated Truck Parts IncManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing FacilitiesUsed Truck CapUsed Truck SalesWade Manufacturing Company IncWhitley Manufacturing Co Inc
14450 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7045732805
Black Barber ShopsManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing Facilities
L & L Cord Supply
9350 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7047889718
Aluminum Can RecyclingAluminum RecyclingCardboard RecyclingConcrete RecyclingElectronic Recycling CentersExact Staff At Electronic RecyclersMetal RecyclingPlastic Recycling CentersTransfer StationTv RecyclingWaste Management
Legacy Homebuilders Inc
16832 Plaincrest RdMidland,
28107 7045660201
Construction CompaniesContractorsGeneral ContractorsHome BuildersHouse Framers
3537 Fieldstone TrceMidland,
28107 7048883884
FarrierHorse SuppliesLinde
Little Diva's Boutique
4664 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7047815209
Clothing BoutiquesClothing StoresProm Dresses
Little's Flower Shop
12440 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048885859
Florist ShopFloristsFlower ShopFlower ShopsFlowersThe Shop
Little's Flower Shop
12650 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048885812
Florist ShopFloristsFlower ShopFlower ShopsFlowersGift BasketsGift ShopsSouvenir ShopsThe Shop
Little, James
10700 Sam Black RdMidland,
28107 7048884302
Commercial Real EstateJimmysReal Estate CompaniesRealty Companies
Locust Sewer Department
6307 Bluffton LnMidland,
28107 7048883852
City PondWater Company UtilityWater Utility Companies
Love's Diesel Service
13535 Bethel Avenue ExtMidland,
28107 7048884655
Diesel RepairEds Diesel PerformanceGalloways 4wd Center Engines
Loves Grove United Methodist Church
RENEE Ford RdMidland,
28107 7048884643
Calvary Praise Worship CenterChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches MethodistChurches Places Of WorshipChurches United MethodistFirst United Methodist ChurchGreater Tabernacle House Of PrayerGreen Memorial United Methodist ChurchHopewell United Methodist ChurchNew London United Methodist ChurchPleasant Grove United Methodist ChurchPleasant Oak Grove United Methodist ChurchZion United Methodist Church
M & N Towing & Recovery
12078 Loving RdMidland,
28107 7045065311
Honeycut's TowingTow TruckTowing Service
M&N Towing and Recovery
PO box 18Midland,
28107 7045065311
Honeycut's TowingTow TruckTowing Service
Macedonia Baptist Church
12200 Gelding DrMidland,
28107 7048884377
Black Baptist ChurchesCalvary Praise Worship CenterChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipCoyle Baptist ChurchGrace Bible Church MinistryGreater Tabernacle House Of Prayer
Martin Marietta Aggregates
430 Running Brook RdMidland,
28107 7044559477
Crushed StoneGravelMason Contractors
Marvin S Clay Family Farm
910 Honeysuckle LnMidland,
28107 7048881451
AgriculturalAnderson FarmsAw Shucks Corn Maze Pumpkin PatchEgg FarmFamily Farm PettingLee Howell FarmRiverbend FarmRoss Farms
Masonry Design In
205 Pinewood LnMidland,
28107 7048882777
Mason ContractorsMasonry Contractors
Matthew L Hubis DMD PA
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7047810331
Beauty SalonBeauty SalonsBelize Salon Day SpaBlack Hair Barber ShopsBlack Hair SalonsBody WaxingCrossroads Salon Red Cross NcDominican Beauty SalonDominican Hair SalonEyebrow WaxingFacialsHair CutHair ExtensionsHaircutNailsPedicure
Mc Coy Feed & Seed Co
4420 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048882298
Feed MillFeed StoreFeed Wholesale ManufacturersLivestockManufacturing CompaniesManufacturing FacilitiesMauney S Feed Mill IncMauneys Feed Mill IncMccoy'sPilgrims PridePilgrim's Pride CorpWade Manufacturing Company IncWhitley Manufacturing Co Inc
Mccarver Construction
700 Sleepy Hollow RdMidland,
28107 7045732805
Construction CompaniesSeptic PumpingSeptic ServiceSeptic Tank CleaningSeptic Tanks Systems
Mccarver Construction Co
14450 Cabarrus Station RdMidland,
28107 7045732805
Construction CompaniesGodfrey Construction Co. Inc.Septic PumpingSeptic ServiceSeptic Tank CleaningSeptic Tank PumpingSeptic Tank System CleaningSeptic Tanks Systems Cleaning
McCoy Feed & Farm
4420 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048882298
BarrelsFeed MillFeed Mills
McCoy Feed & Farm Supply Inc
13735 Broadway AveMidland,
28107 7048882298
AgriculturalBarrelsFarm EquipmentLee Howell FarmMartin Brothers EquipmentMccoy'sOakboro Tractor & EquipmentTractors
McCoy Oil Co Inc
13370 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882329
Fuel OilHeating OilMccoy's
Mccoy's Exxon
13370 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882329
Convenience StoresFoodGas StationsMccoy'sNo Ethanol Gas StationsNorth Jones Exxon
Mccoy, Cindy
4285 Highway 24 27 E 27 E # CMidland,
28107 7048882220
Commercial Real EstateDuplexesForeclosureHomes For RentHouses For RentMccoy Real EstateMccoy'sReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate ServicesRealtorsRealty Companies
McGee Bros Co Inc Maintenace Midland
13500 Rodney Rushing RdMidland,
28107 7048881862
Mason ContractorsMasonry Contractors
McGee Brothers Concrete
13800 Bill McGee RdMidland,
28107 7048886466
Concrete ContractorsConcrete Pipe ManufacturersConcrete SidewalkMason ContractorsMasonry ContractorsPrecast ConcreteWhere To Buy Concrete Steps
McGee Huntley Construction
3404 Muddy Creek RdMidland,
28107 7048880974
Clayton Homes Manufacturing PlantConstruction CompaniesContractorsGeneral ContractorsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersRealty Companies
Mcguire, Michael D
10823 Flowes Store RdMidland,
28107 7044553004
Animal ClinicAnimal HospitalEmergency Veterinary ClinicVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinary Clinics
Metal Buildings Charlotte
420 Hwy 24-27 West, Suite BMidland,
28107 9803656583
Public email (click to show)
Get your quality steel building for a steal. Our crew is standing by and ready to help you get started on your project. Whether you’re looking for metal garages and carports, metal barns or even metal building homes, we’ve got you covered. Located in Midland, NC, we service all of Charlotte and surrounding areas. Our business is family-owned and operated, and we treat our customers like family, because we know that without you, we wouldn’t be here today. Conctact us today for a free estimate on a steel building in North Carolina.
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Metal Buildings
Open Business in New Tab
Metrolina Mulch
3975 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048881822
Automated Gravel DeliveryBrian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceBulk MulchGravel DrivewaysLandsaceplandscapeLandscaping Lawn ServicesLawn CareLawn Mower ServiceMulch DeliveryMulch For SaleMulchesPea GravelSand And GravelSand Gravel
Metrolina Mulch
3975 Hwy 24-27 EastMidland,
28107 7048881822
Brian D Cranford G1 11 Lawn ServiceBulk MulchEast Lawnmower ServiceLandsaceplandscapeLandscaping SuppliesLawn Garden Equipment SuppliesMulch DeliveryMulches
Midland Appliance Repair
251 Highway 24 27 WMidland,
28107 7048174037
Appliance Repair SpecialistAppliance Sales
Midland Contractors Inc
9025 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7046520604
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesHouse Framers
Midland Engine Machine Co
13570 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048886362
Auto Engine RebuildingEngine MachiningGalloways 4wd Center Engines
Midland Family Medicine
12925 Highway 601 MidlandMidland,
28107 7048883702
Cabarrus Family MedicineDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDoctors Who Accept MedicaidFamily DoctorFamily PracticeMedicalMidland Family MedicineOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsOrthopedic Hand Wrist And Elbow SurgeonsPhysicians Surgeons Family Medicine General PracticePrimary Care Physician
Midland Fire Station 2
369 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048881919
Fire DepartmentFire Departments
Midland Mini-Storage
13685 Broadway Ave.Midland,
28107 7048881108
Kenda Tire Dealers
Midland Town Office
4293 Highway 24 27 E 27 E Ste BMidland,
28107 7048882232
City PondDepartment Of LaborGovernment OfficesTown Of Nc
Midland Vol Fire Dept
12805 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048880657
Center Rural Fire Department 2Center Rural Fire DeptFire DepartmentsHigh Point Fire DistrictRockwell Rural Fire Dept
4293 Highway 24 27 E 27 E # DMidland,
28107 7048882380
Mental Health ServicesPsychiatrist
Moore & Sons Trucking Inc
13219 Sterling CirMidland,
28107 7048885274
Truck RentalTrucking CompaniesUsed Truck Sales
Moose Midland Pharmacy
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048882114
Morrison's Wrecker
2500 Highway 24-27Midland,
28107 7048883311
Auto Junk YardsAuto Salvage YardsAutomobile SalvageClassic Car Salvage Yard Hwy 49Junk Yard Auto PartsMetal RecyclingSalvage Auto PartsScrap Metal YardsScrap Yard
Muddy Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant
14655 Hopewell Church RdMidland,
28107 7048884888
Water PlantWater Treatment Systems Equipment
Myrick Construction
4285 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7047812500
Building ContractorsClayton Homes Manufacturing PlantConstruction CompaniesGeneral ContractorsHouse FramersMetal Building ErectorMetal BuildingsPlumberPlumbersPlumbing ContractorsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersRealty CompaniesSteel BuildingsStorage Sheds
Myrick Construction Inc
28107 7047812500
Building ContractorsConstruction CompaniesGeneral ContractorsGodfrey Construction Co. Inc.Home BuildersHome RemodelingHouse FramersMetal Building ErectorMetal BuildingsResidental Metal BuildingsSteel BuildingsStorage Sheds
Natural Vibe Smoke Shop
4550 Highway 24 27 EMidland,
28107 7048883126
Cigar Cigarette Tobacco DealersHead ShopHookahIncense Smoke ShopsThe ShopTobacco ShopsVapor Cigarettes
New Horizons Baptist Church
11777 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048886322
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesCalvary Praise Worship CenterChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches Baptist Conservative Baptist AssociationChurches Baptist GeneralChurches Baptist IndependentChurches Baptist ReformedChurches Baptist SouthernChurches InChurches Places Of WorshipCoyle Baptist ChurchDenton Baptist ChurchGreater Tabernacle House Of PrayerIndependent Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesNew Haven Baptist ChurchNew Home Baptist ChurchNewell Baptist ChurchSouthern Baptist ChurchesStanfield Baptist Church
Newell & Crump Heating And Cooling
12480 Grey Commercial RdMidland,
28107 7048881888
Air Conditioning Contractors SystemsByrum Heating Air ConditioningDavie Heating Air ConditioningHvac Contractors
Nicholson's Handyman Service
10592 Red Oaks CtMidland,
28107 7047845809
Building ContractorsClayton Homes Manufacturing PlantConstruction CompaniesDeck DoctorGeneral ContractorsHandyman ServicesHouse FramersPlumberPlumbersPlumbing ContractorsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersRealty Companies
Norman Summerville & Associates General & Family Dentistry
12925 Highway 601Midland,
28107 7048880607
Cheap DentistDental ClinicsDental OfficesDentist EmergencyDentist OfficesDentists Cosmetic DentistryDentists In Indian Trail NcDentists MedicaidDentists Pediatric DentistryDenturesEmergency DentistFree Dental ClinicsGeneral StoresNorman Summerville Associates General Family DentistryOral SurgeonOral Surgery
North Carolina Ice House
4451 E Nc 24-27 HwyMidland,
28107 7048888864
Block IceIce Delivery