First Baptist Church
52 Middle StLyndonville,
05851 8026265300
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesChildrens PlaceChurches Baptist SouthernChurches Places Of WorshipFirst Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Lyndonville United Methodist
100 Church StLyndonville,
05851 8026265057
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches MethodistChurches Places Of WorshipElmore United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist ChurchGroton United Methodist ChurchLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist FellowshipWest Burke United Methodist Church
Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
5521 Memorial DrLyndonville,
05851 8026265822
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipLds ChurchLyndonville First Congregational ChurchMormon ChurchSaint PiesUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Jareman Pstr Anton & Margaret
165 Park AveLyndonville,
05851 8026264488
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipGrace Brethren ChurchLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Kingdom Hall-Jehovah's Witnss
88 S Wheelock RdLyndonville,
05851 8026268479
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Jehovahs WitnessesChurches Places Of WorshipKingdom Hall Of Jehovahs WitnessesLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Lyndon Full Gospel Assembly
153 Rod Key StLyndonville,
05851 8026267267
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Assemblies Of GodChurches Places Of WorshipGrace Full GospelLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Calvary Chapel NE Kingdom
165 Park AveLyndonville,
05851 8026264488
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Lyndon Bible Church
250 Brown Farm RdLyndonville,
05851 8026269296
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Lyndonville First Cngrgtnl Church
52 Middle StLyndonville,
05851 8026265300
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
St Peter's Episcopal Mission
51 Elm St.Lyndonville,
05851 8026265705
Childrens PlaceChurchChurches Places Of WorshipLyndonville First Congregational ChurchUnitarian Universalist Fellowship
Lyndonville United Methodist
23 Church StLyndonville,
05851 8026265057
Churches United MethodistUnited Methodist Church
South Wheelock Baptist Church
3043 Peak RdLyndonville,
05851 8026268717
Black Baptist ChurchesChristian Book StoreChristian BookstoresFaith ChapelSt Paul Church