C & W Builders & Excavation
PO Box 160Glenville,
28736 8285071832
BuilderBuilders ContractorsBuilding ContractorsConstruction CompaniesExcavation CompaniesStorage Building Manufacturers
1351 Breedlove RdGlenville,
28736 8287434507
BuilderBuildersConstruction CompaniesContractorsHome BuildersReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate DevelopersReal Estate OfficesResidential BuildersThe Home Place Real Estate
Chinquapin Outpost
2965 Breedlove RdGlenville,
28736 8287435878
DuplexesHomes For RentHouse For RentHouse RentalsHouses For RentReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate OfficesRealtors With RentalsRental Homes
Classical Glass
1261 Bee Tree RdGlenville,
28736 8287435822
Art AppraisersArt Galleries Dealers ConsultantsArtsGlass ArtPottery Diy PaintingStained Glass ClassesStained Glass SuppliesThe BreweryThe Gallery
Davis Botanical
3694 Big Ridge RdGlenville,
28736 8285071472
Grass Cutting LandscapeGrass SodLandscape ArchitectsLandscape ContractorsLandscape Designers ConsultantsLandscapingLawn Maintenance ServicesLorenzo S Landscape
5 Lakeside Circle DriveGlenville,
28736 8287432095
Boarding KennelsDog Boarding KennelsDog BreedersDog Day CareDog DaycareDog GroomersDog GroomingDog Kennel BoardingDog KennelsDog ParksDoggie Day CareDoggie DaycareDogsDuke's Pampered PetsLoma Linda FarmPet BoardingPet SittingPet Supplies
4814 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287434365
Beauty SalonBeauty SalonsBikini WaxBikini WaxingBlack Hair SalonsBody WaxingChatterbox SalonEthnic Hair SalonsEye Lash ExtensionsEyebrow WaxingEyelash ExtensionEyelash Extensions SalonsGel NailsHair CutHair ExtensionsHaircutHaircutsManicurePedicurePedicuresThe GalleryVillage Boutique
Glenville Community Development Center
4946 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287430868
Community Organizations
Glenville Lumber Co
5904 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287431100
Exotic Wood LumberLumber MillLumber UsedLumber YardLumber Yards
Glenville Thrift Shop
4946 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287436395
ConsignmentThrift ShopsThrift StoreThrift StoresThrift/Consignment Store
Glenville Thrift Shop
Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287436395
Consignment ShopConsignment ShopsConsignment StoreConsignment StoresI Sold It On EbayResale ShopsSecond Hand DealersSecond Hand StoresSwap MeetThrift ShopsThrift StoreThrift StoresThrift/Consignment StoreVillage Boutique
Glenville Wesleyan Church
5323 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287432998
Christian Book StoreChristian Book StoresChristian BookstoresChurch Supplies ServicesChurches For SaleReligious Stores
Hamburg Baptist Church
4673 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287432979
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches Baptist FundamentalChurches Baptist GeneralChurches Baptist IndependentChurches Baptist SouthernChurches For SaleChurches Places Of WorshipIndependent Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesMonte Vista Baptist ChurchPromise Land BaptistSouthern Baptist ChurchesTuckaseegee Baptist Church
Hamburg Baptist Parsonage
US Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287432123
BaptistPresbyterianYellow Mountain Baptist Parsonage
Happ's Place
5914 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287432266
Dining RestaurantsFoodGourmet CaterersHapps PlaceLunchPlaces To EatRendezvous RestaurantRestaruantRestaurant CouponsRestaurants CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants On The WaterRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Party RoomsRestaurants With Private RoomResterauntsResturantsSteak RestaurantsThe BreweryUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Hattler, Debra
4312 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287431144
Commercial Real EstateDuplexesHomes For RentHouse For RentHouse RentalsHouses For RentReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate OfficesRealtors With RentalsRental Homes
La Tienda
501 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287435598
Food City Grocery Weekly AdsFranks GroceryGroceriesGrocery StoreGrocery StoresLa MexicanaShoppingSupermarketsTienda
Lake Colony Construction Inc
PO Box 627Glenville,
28736 8287434318
BuilderBuildersConstruction CompaniesContractorsHome BuildersHome ConstructionResidential BuildersTugalo Construction Co Sloan Construction Co
Lake Glenville Storage
5373 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287430811
Browning StorageCold Storage WarehousesCullowhee Quick StorageSelf Storage CompaniesStorage Building ManufacturersStorage Household CommercialStorage Units
Lakeshore Pontoon Boat Rental
4623 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287439998
Boat Rental CharterBoat RentalsBoat ToursBoatsBobcat RentalCyclingDeep Sea FishingEquipment RentalEquipment RentalsJet Ski RentalJet Ski RentalsJetski RentalNew Holland TractorOutdoor Sporting GoodsParty BoatsPersonal Water Craft Rentals NcPontoon Boat RentalPontoon Boat RentalsRental EquipmentSignal Ridge MarinaSoccer StoresSporting Goods StoresSports StoresSunbelt Equipment RentalsUsed Boats For SaleWatersports
Lakeshore Pontoon Rentals
192 Pilot Knob RdGlenville,
28736 8285063533
Duplexes For RentHomes For RentHouse For RentHouse RentalsHouses For RentMobile Homes For RentRental AgenciesRental PropertiesRental PropertyRental Vacancy Listing ServiceRoom For RentRooms For RentTownhomes For Rent
Langleydr & Mrs Michael
318 Rushing Brook LnGlenville,
28736 8287433137
Michael S
Leopard Grading Inc
RR 41Glenville,
28736 8287433164
Ditch WitchExcavatingExcavation Contractors
Lewis Jim
3025 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287433186
DuplexesHomes For RentHouse For RentHouse RentalsHouses For RentReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate OfficesRealtors With RentalsRental Homes
Living Redeemer Outreach
5015 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287430072
BaptistChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches For SaleChurches Non DenominationalChurches Places Of WorshipNon Denominational ChurchesPresbyterianYellow Mountain Baptist Parsonage
Luker Brothers Inc
11422 Highway 107 SGlenville,
28736 8282933201
Madden Realty & Builders
5933 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287437055
BuilderBuildersCommercial Real EstateDuplexesHomes For RentHouse For RentHouse RentalsHouses For RentKeowee Key Real EstateLa MexicanaPowell Real EstateReal Estate AgentsReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate Of AmericaReal Estate OfficesRealtors With RentalsRental HomesThe Home Place Real Estate
Main Street Folk Art & Furnishings
Hwy 107Glenville,
28736 8287432437
Manufacturing Companies
Messer Taxi Svc
PO Box 294Glenville,
28736 8285862217
Cab ServiceTaxi CabTaxi Service ScTaxis
Moring Dev
1514 Wandering RdgGlenville,
28736 8287430679
Store And More
Mountain Party Tents & Events
4866 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8883228368
Bounce House RentalBounce House RentalsBounce HousesEquipment RentalEquipment RentalsHelium Tank RentalInflatable RentalsInflatablesNew Holland TractorParty Favors Supplies ServicesParty Hall RentalParty Hall RentalsParty Halls For RentParty RentalParty RentalsParty StoreParty SuppliesParty Supply RentalParty Supply StoreParty Tent RentalParty VenuesRental EquipmentTable And Chair RentalTable And Chair RentalsTents Rental
Mountain View Marine Inc
6355 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287435277
Boat Canvas RepairBoat DealersBoat DocksBoat Maintenance RepairBoat PartsBoat RepairBoat SlipsBoat StorageBoatsCullowhee Quick StorageHalls Boathouse Marina Ga 30552Jet Ski DealersKeowee Key MarinaMarinasMoped DealersUsed Boat PartsUsed Boats For SaleWatersports
Signal Ridge Marina
4769 N Highway 107Glenville,
28736 8287432143
Boat Canvas RepairBoat DealersBoat Maintenance RepairBoat PartsBoat Rental CharterBoat RentalsBoat RepairBoat SlipsBoatsDeep Sea FishingHalls Boathouse Marina Ga 30552Jet Ski DealersJet Ski RentalJet Ski RentalsJetski RentalMoped DealersParty BoatsPersonal Water Craft Rentals NcPontoon Boat RentalPontoon Boat RentalsSignal Ridge MarinaUsed Boat PartsUsed Boats For SaleWatersports
Smoray's Paddle Crafts
PO Box 664Glenville,
28736 5712178510
I first started paddling kayaks in the late 1990’s when I joined several friends for a week-long excursion on the coast of Alaska. After paddling his wooden kayak several times, I realized that wood kayaks are far superior to those constructed from just about any other material in terms of weight (much lighter), efficiency through the water, handling characteristics, and durability.
I decided to build my own in 2002, and since then I have constructed 9 kayaks and one wherry boat. I am a certified builder of Pygmy Boats wooden kayaks.
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
KayaksCanoes & Kayaks
Open Business in New Tab
Stewart Piano Svc
MILL Creek RdGlenville,
28736 8287435440
Piano StorePiano TunerPiano Tuning
Stoneman Inc
417 Shepherds DrGlenville,
28736 8287431840
Biltmore Hearth HomeChimney CleaningChimney InspectionsChimney RepairChimney SweepFireplace EquipmentFireplace InsertsFireplace MantelsFireplace PropaneFireplace StoreFireplace StoresFireplaces PlusGas Fireplace RepairGas FireplacesMason ContractorsMasonry ContractorsStoves WoodWood Burning StovesWood PelletsWood Stoves
Todd's Tree Svc
PO Box 704Glenville,
28736 8287434098
Tree RemovalTree ServiceTrees R Us
Tom Sawyer Tree Farm
240 Chimney Pond RdGlenville,
28736 8287435456
Christmas Tree FarmsChristmas Tree ShopChristmas Tree StoreChristmas TreesTom Sawyer Tree Farm
Trans Western Air Inc
327 Lakeside Circle DrGlenville,
28736 8287431762
PlumberPlumbers ResidentialPlumbing Contractors
Tritt's Electrical Svc Inc
PO Box 597Glenville,
28736 8287439618
Electric Contractors Commercial IndustrialElectrical ContractorsElectricianElectricians