Charles' Paving & Grading Co
30 Small LnEure,
27935 2523570127
Ace Hardware OfAsphalt ContractorsAsphalt PavingBryant Lassiter Septic Tank Service IncDriveway GravelGrading ContractorsGravel DeliveryHardware StoresLassiter Septic Tank Cleaning ServiceLot ClearingNixon S HardwareNixons HardwarePaint StoresPaving ContractorsPea GravelPlumbing SupplyRock QuarryRose Bros. Paving Co.Rose Brothers Paving Co IncSand And GravelSand GravelSeptic PumpingSeptic Tank InstallationSeptic Tanks SystemsThomas Langston Plumbing Septic Tank ServicesTile
Charlie's Septic Tank Service
30 Small LnEure,
27935 2523570127
Landscape Designers ConsultantsLandscapingUnited Turf Inc
Cool Spring Baptist Church
1460 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570132
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches Baptist SouthernChurches For SaleChurches Places Of WorshipConconary Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesOpen Door Christian Fellowship Church 8300990Southern Baptist Churches
Cool Spring Baptist Church Parsonage
10 Corner High RdEure,
27935 2523570925
Baptist ChurchBaptist ChurchesBlack Baptist ChurchesChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches Baptist SouthernChurches For SaleChurches Places Of WorshipConconary Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchIndependent Baptist ChurchesNew Basptise ChurchSouthern Baptist Churches
E V Williams Construction
Construction Companies
Edwards Roofing Inc
177 Little Island RdEure,
27935 2523701754
ContractorsGutter CleaningGutters DownspoutsHome ImprovementHome ImprovementsHome RemodelingOne Roof At A TimeRoofersRoofing Contractors Commercial IndustrialTile
Eure Christian Church
872 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570875
Christian ChurchChurches & Places Of WorshipChurches ChristianChurches For SaleChurches Places Of Worship
Eure Volunteer Fire Dept
1210 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570292
Fire DepartmentFire DepartmentsFire Station
Gardner Wayne A Rev
872 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570875
Gates County
140 US 13 SEure,
27935 2523570384
Assessors OfficeCity GovernmentGates County IndexGovernment OfficesGovernment State JailTown OfUnemployment Office
Gates County Animal Clinic
66 Tinkham RdEure,
27935 2523572557
24 Hour VetAnimal ClinicAnimal HospitalDo It Yourself Dog WashDog Boarding KennelsDog GroomersDog GroomingDog KennelDog KennelsDog ObedienceDoggie Day CareDoggie DaycareEquine VetExotic Pet StoresFree Animal ClinicGates County Board EducationGates County IndexGoose Creek Animal HospitalLow Cost Spay/NueterPet Boarding KennelsPet GroomersPet GroomingPet SittingVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinarians BoardingVeterinary Clinics & HospitalsVeterinary Clinics HospitalsVeterinary Specialty Services
Gates County Convenient Ctr
1332 US 158 WEure,
27935 2523571577
Aluminum Can RecyclingAluminum RecyclingAssessors OfficeCamden County Abc BoardCardboard RecyclingCityComputer DisposalConcrete RecyclingCoronersCounty FairgroundsElectronics RecyclingGates County Community CenterGates County IndexGovernment State JailMetal RecyclingPallet RecyclingPaper RecyclingPcg LandfillPlastic Recycling CentersProperty TaxesScrap Metal RecyclingTransfer StationTv RecyclingWaste Management
Greene's Gun & Tackle
1217 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570898
AmmunitionConcealed Carry ClassesFirearmsGun DealersGun RepairGun ShopGun ShopsGun StoreGun StoresGun SuppliesGuns For SaleGuns GunsmithsHuntingReloading SuppliesShooting
Greene's Gun & Tackle
Highway 137Eure,
27935 2523570898
AmmunitionCarlolina ArmsConcealed Carry ClassesFirearmsGun DealersGun RepairGun ShopGun ShopsGun StoreGun StoresGun SuppliesGuns For SaleGuns GunsmithsHilts Custom RiflesHuntingReloading SuppliesShooting
Greene's Meat Market
117 Hill Lane RdEure,
27935 2523571258
Buffalo MeatButcher ShopButcher ShopsButcheringDeer MeatGoat MeatLaydens MeatsMeat MarketMeat Markets
Grooming By Kimberly
60 Barfield RdEure,
27935 2523572284
Do It Yourself Dog WashDog Boarding KennelsDog BreedersDog GroomersDog GroomingDog KennelDog KennelsDoggie Day CareDoggie DaycareExotic Pet StoresPet Boarding KennelsPet GroomersPet GroomingPet Sitting
Tall Cotton Graphics
11 US 13 SEure,
27935 2523574700
Custom DecalsCustom T ShirtsPrintingScreen PrintingT Shirt PrintingT Shirt Screen Printing
Tarheel Bar-B-Q
Barbecue RestaurantsBars With Live MusicBbq CateringBbq RestaurantsCountry BarsDining RestaurantsFamily Style RestaurantsFoodInternet Sweepstakes CafePlaces To EatRestaurant CouponsRestaurants CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants On The WaterRestaurants That CaterRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Party RoomsRestaurants With Private RoomResturantsRiverside CafeSteak RestaurantsTarheel BbqThe BreweryUsed Restaurant Equipment SuppliesWhitley S Barbecue
Tarheel Tanning Spa
11 US 13 SEure,
27935 2523571160
Classic Tan Party RentalsSpray TanSpray Tanning SalonsTarheel Tan And Spa
Trail's End Campground and Trail Rides
166 Harrell LaneEure,
27935 2523570587
CampgroundCampgrounds ParksCampgrounds Recreational Vehicle ParksCampgrounds With CabinsCamping Rv ParksDog ParksHorse Boarding StablesHorse Farm JobsHorse FarmsHorse RescueHorse Riding LessonsHorse StablesParks And RecreationRv CampgroundRv CampgroundsRv CampingState ParksTent CampgroundsTrail RidingTrailer ParksWinser Park
196 US 13 SEure,
27935 2523570283
Truck RentalU Haul Neighborhood Dealer
Uncle Vernon's Body Shop & Auto Repair
239 US 13 SEure,
27935 7576132438
Auto Body RepairAuto Paint SuppliesAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Repair ShopsAutomobile Body Repairing PaintingAutomotive Paint SuppliesAutomotive RepairBody ShopCar RepairDewiits AutomotiveOil ChangeSteve Body Shop Automobile Body Repairing Painting
United States Postal Service
1203 Nc 137Eure,
27935 2523570294
United States Post OfficeUsps United States Post Office