St Patrick's Catholic Church
19921 Nightingale St NWCedar,
55011 7637532011
Catholic ChurchCatholic ChurchesCatholic SchoolsChurches CatholicChurches Places Of WorshipChurches Roman CatholicDelano Baptish ChurchJehovahs WitnessesNondemoninational Church In MnOffice Depot At St AnthonyRoman Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic ChurchesSt Joseph Catholic ChurchSt Joseph Church Of Lino LakesSt Josephs Catholic ChurchSt Michael Catholic Church MnSt Michael ChurchSt Pius X Catholic Faith
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
19001 Jackson St NECedar,
55011 7634346117
Braham Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChurches Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church In AmericaChurches Places Of WorshipIglesias CristianasLuthern ChurchesNondemoninational Church In MnOur Savior Lutheran ChurchOur Saviours Lutheran ChurchSt Pius X Catholic Faith
West Bethel United Methodist
1233 221st Ave NECedar,
55011 7634346451
ChurchChurches MethodistChurches Places Of WorshipChurches United MethodistFirst United Methodist ChurchIglesias CristianasNondemoninational Church In MnOlivet United Methodist ChurchSt Pius X Catholic FaithSunrise United Methodist ChurchUmc
North Anoka Co Emergency Food
18511 Highway 65 NE # 200Cedar,
55011 7634347685
Church Food PantriesFood BankFood BanksFood PantrySoup Kitchens