Universal Medical Ctr Pc
239 Avenel St Ste 4Avenel,
07001 7326026192
Convenient CareDoctorDoctorsHealth CenterHospitals And Medical CentersMulti Care Health CenterPhysiciansUniversal Concord Corp
Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park
1600 Saint George AvenueAvenel,
07001 7326408847
Public email (click to show)
If you are looking for the best year-round indoor amusements in the Colonia, Woodbridge, Rahway, Iselin, Carteret and Avenel areas, Urban Air Adventure Park is the perfect place. With new adventures behind every corner, we are the ultimate indoor playground for your entire family. Take your kid’s birthday party to the next level or spend a day of fun with the family and you will see why we are more than just a trampoline park.
Urban Air Adventure Park has been voted BEST Gym In America for Kids by Shape Magazine, BEST Place To Take Energetic Kids and BEST Trampoline Parks.
• Mon - Thu: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
• Fri: 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM
• Sat: 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM
• Sun: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Amusement Places & Arcades
Open Business in New Tab
US Department of Labor
1030 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7327503270
Department Of LaborLabor UnionsUnion Beach Fire Department
US Occupation Safety & Health
1030 Saint Georges Ave # 205Avenel,
07001 7327503270
South Brunswick Board Of Education
US Post Office
1065 Rahway AveAvenel,
07001 8002758777
Cambria Heights Post OfficeMail & Shipping ServicesMail Shipping ServicesPost Office Passport ServicesUnited States Post OfficeUnited States Postal ServiceUsps Post OfficeUsps United States Post Office A StationUsps United States Post Office Main OfficeVfw Post 5298
USA Karate & Fitness Official Training Center
1254 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 8006796095
AikidoEagles Martial Art SupplyFitness Centers With PoolsJiu JitsuJudoKarate Classes For KidsKendo Martial ArtsKick Boxing ClassesKickboxing ClassesKrav MagaKravmagaKung FuMartial Arts Equipment SuppliesMartial Arts InstructionMartial Arts Supplies StoresMixed Martial ArtsSelf Defense ClassesTae Kwon DoTaekwondoTai Chi
USA Tealight
4 Craigwood RdAvenel,
07001 7329432408
Candles Wholesale ManufacturersManufacturing Companies
USPS - United States Post Office - Avenel
1065 Rahway AveAvenel,
07001 8002758777
Belle Mead Post OfficeDirect Mail Marketing ServicesMail Shipping ServicesMailboxMercerville Nj Post OfficeOrange Post OfficePick Up And Ship ServicePost Office Passport ServicesStampsUnited States Post OfficeUnited States Postal ServiceUs Passport OfficeUsps United States Post OfficeUsps United States Post Office IndustrialUsps United States Post Office Main OfficeUsps United States Post Office Post Office
Usw Local 397
155 Avenel StAvenel,
07001 7326368546
Labor UnionsLocal Union
Valor Ambulance Service
1400 Rahway AveAvenel,
07001 7326028297
Ambulance ServicesNon Emergency Medical Transportation
Valor Ambulance Svc
1400 Rahway AveAvenel,
07001 7326028297
Ambulance ServicesJersey Care Ambulance ServiceLifeguard ServicesMedical Transportation ServiceNon Emergency Medical Transportation
Valve & Fitting Technologies
16 Craigwood RdAvenel,
07001 7325743344
Bray Valves DistributorsHydraulic Valve RepairManufacturing CompaniesSupreme Valve Repair
Van Houten-Avenel Plbg & Htg
1076 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7326367310
Air Conditioner PartsAir Conditioning Contractors & SystemsAir Conditioning Contractors SystemsAir Conditioning Parts And SuppliesAllstate A C HtgAttic FansBathroom ContractorBathroom Remodeling ContractorsBathroom ShowroomsBathroom VanitiesBathroom Vanity StoresBerman Home SystemsCentral Air Conditioning PartsCentral Air RepairContractors RemodelingContractors That Install Air Conditioning Systems In Residentail Homes.Drain CleaningGeneral Contractors RemodelingGolden Home ImprovementsHague Heating And Air ConditioningHeating Air ConditioningHeating And Air Conditioning RepairHeating And CoolingHeating Repair ServiceHome Heating OilHome Improvement CompaniesHome Improvement ContractorsHvac Contractors CommercialIarrapino Heating And CoolingKelin Heating And CoolingKitchen And Bath Remodeling ContractorsKitchen RemodelingMarcketta Heating CoolingPackaged Hvac ContractorsPlumberPlumbers Drain SewerPlumbers ResidentialPlumbing And Heating 24/7Plumbing And Heating SupplyPlumbing ContractorsRadiators Heating SalesReiner Pump Systems IncRenovation ContractorsSpecialty TileThe Plumbing StoreTilesZodiac Air Cruisers
Vantage Apparel
400 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7323405800
Childrens ClothingClothing StoresDress ShopsGymnastics ApparelSummer Jobs 15 Year OldsThe ClosetThe YardVantage Apparel IncWholesale Apparel CompaniesWomen Clothing Stores
Vantage Apparel Inc
100 Vantage DrAvenel,
07001 7323403000
Auto Headliner FabricCotton ClubCross StitchCustom EmbroideryEmbroidered PatchesEmbroidery ServiceEmbroidery ShopsFabric By The PieceFabric DirectFabric ShopsFabric StoreFabric StoresFabrics And TextilesMonogram LadyNeedlepointNotions And FabricQuiltSewing SuppliesVantage Apparel IncWholesale Apparel Companies
Vantage Custom Classics
34 Engelhard AveAvenel,
07001 7323818579
City Village Township GovernmentTownship Of
Vantage Custom Classics
400 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7324033000
Childrens ClothingClothing MenClothing StoresDress ShopsFactory Outlet Men's ClothingMen S ClothingMens ClothingMens Hat ShopsSummer Jobs 15 Year OldsSwimsuitsSwimwearThe ClosetThe YardWomen Clothing Stores
Vega Electrical Contractor
39 5th AveAvenel,
07001 7327260320
Electical ContractorsElectrical Contractors CommercialElectricanElectrician ContrractorsElectricians ResidentialElectricians/Marasco BrothersWagner Electric
Velagapudi Naga Venkatas Kishore
303 Village DrAvenel,
07001 7328150690
Convenient CareDoctorDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesFamily DoctorFamily PhysiciansGeneral PractitionerGynecologist DoctorsHealth CenterMedical ClinicMedical ClinicsOverlook ClinicPediatric ClinicsRadiology ClinicsWalk In ClinicWalk In ClinicsWalk In Medical Clinic
22 Craigwood RdAvenel,
07001 7324997900
Career Services CtrEducation EmploymentEmployment AgenciesEmployment AgencyHeadhuntersHelp WantedHousekeeper AgencyJob OpeningsJob PlacementJobsLegacy StaffingMedical Staffing AgenciesPart Time JobsPlacement AgenciesSocial Service AgenciesStaffing Agency
Verizon Wireless
1030 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7322014473
Antique Telephone RepairCell Phone Flashing And RepairCell Phone RepairCell Phone Repair ShopsCell Phone StoresCell PhonesCellco PartnershipCellphone RepairCellular StoresVerizon CableVerizon Customer ServiceVerizon Fios StoreVerizon StoreVerizon Store HouerVerizon WirelessVerizon Wireless / Wireless ZoneVerizon Wireless StoreWireless Phone StoresWireless Phones
Verona Auto Repair/Lukoil
144 Prospect AveAvenel,
07001 9732396065
Auto Body RepairAuto Repair & ServiceAuto Repair ServiceAuto Repair ShopsAutomotive RepairCar RepairGas PricesGas Station VacuumGas StationsLukoilOil And Gas CompaniesOil ChangeWoodys Automotive
Veterans Of Foreign Wars
60 W Park AveAvenel,
07001 7326369615
American Legion Post No 338Lakeland Vfw Post No 2347VetVeteran's Firehouse For PartiesVeterans Of Foreign Wars
Vip Limousine Svc
1105 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7325931100
Airport Shuttle ServiceAirport TransportationArion TransportationBoonton Taxi LimoCar Service TransportationCar Transportation ServicesCheap Limo RentalsLimo 22Limo Bus RentalsNj Airport ShuttleOradell Taxi Airport SvcSouth Amboy TaxiTaxi Cab ServiceTransvantage Transportation Inc
Voigt Maryellen DVM
10 Remsen AveAvenel,
07001 7326345242
24 Hour VetAnimal HospitalEquine VetRutherford Animal HospitalSpay And Neuter ClinicVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinariansVeterinary Clinics & HospitalsVeterinary Clinics HospitalsWest Caldwell Animal Hospital
Voigt, Maryellen
10 Remsen AveAvenel,
07001 7326345242
24 Hour VetAnimal Care OfAnimal ClinicAnimal HospitalAtlantic Highlands Animal HospitalBird VetCattiny Jr George Dvm Animal HospitalEar Cropping ServicesEdinburgh Animal HospitalEquine VetGreen Brook Animal HospitalHolistic VeterinariansKingston Animal HospitalLittle Falls Animal HospitalMendham Animal HospitalPennington Veterinary ClinicPequannock Animal HospitalStirling Veterinary HospitalVet On The GoVetenarianVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinarians & KennelsVeterinary Clinics & HospitalsVeterinary Clinics HospitalsVeterinary Specialty ServicesVeternarian
Vuotto, Angela, MD
8 Production WayAvenel,
07001 7325742250
DoctorDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesFamily DoctorFamily PhysiciansGeneral PractitionerGynecologist DoctorsMedicalPhysicians Surgeons Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics
555 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7326341127
Airport ShuttleCar Service TransportationCar Transportation ServicesGiants Limo Cab ServiceKids TransportationSenior Citizen Transportation ServicesShuttle Service To AirportTaxi Limousine & Transportation ServicesTransvantage Transportation Inc
Ward Video Productions
1162 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7326021055
Audio RepairHalo Audio VisualVideo Production ServicesVideographyVisuals By Marianne
Ward Video Productions
275 Crystal StAvenel,
07001 7326021055
Video Production ServicesVideo Tape Editing ServiceVideography
Water tight basements
5 west park aveAvenel,
07001 7322188897
Basement ContractorsBasement FinishingBasement Waterproofing ContractorsMold InspectionMold Remediation And RestorationMold RemovalMold TestingNew Providences Best Basement Flood CleanupProffesional Basement Cleaning
Weights & Measures
1261 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7328154840
CityGovernment CityGovernment OfficesUs Dept Of Agriculture
Weinflash, Robert A
1030 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7327503830
Bobs PlaceCheap DentistDental ClinicsDental OfficeDental OfficesDentist MedicaidDentist OfficeDentists MedicaidDenturesEmergency DentistFamily DentistryFree Dental ClinicsOral Surgeon
White Debra DVM
10 Remsen AveAvenel,
07001 7326345242
24 Hour VetAnimal Care OfAnimal ClinicAnimal HospitalBird VetCattiny Jr George Dvm Animal HospitalEquine VetHolistic VeterinariansLittle Falls Animal HospitalPequannock Animal HospitalVet On The GoVetenarianVeterinarian Emergency ServicesVeterinarians & KennelsVeterinary ClinicsVeternarian
White Rose Dairy Div
215 Blair RdAvenel,
07001 7326360900
Dairy Products WholesaleFresh EggsMilk Delivery
Wilgucki, John, MD, MD, MD
1500 Saint Georges Ave # 3Avenel,
07001 7323883030
D.O.'SDoctorDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesFamily DoctorFamily PhysiciansGeneral PractitionerGynecologist DoctorsMedicalPhysicians Surgeons Osteopathic Manipulative TreatmentSiegal John Md
Win, Kathleen C
239 Avenel St # 11Avenel,
07001 9084126206
Social ServicesSocial Workers
Winkler Robert
1376 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7326699811
AttorneyAttorneys Wills ProbateBobs PlaceLaw FirmsLaw OfficesLawyerLawyers Wills Estates Trusts ProbateMorris Robert F Brennan Law FirmRobert SciroccoTenant Attorneys
Winters Solutions
48 Livingston Ave.Avenel,
07001 7322211679
Antenna InstallationAudio ElectronicsAudio Receiver RepairAudio RepairAudio Visual Repair & ServiceCamera RentalCb Radio ShopComputer Repairs It ServicesConsumer ElectronicsElectric Motor RepairElectric Motors RepairElectrical Contractors CommercialElectronic BatteriesElectronic Equipment SuppliesElectronic PartsElectronic StoresElectronics BatteriesElectronics Parts SupplyEthernet CablesHalo Audio VisualLcd Tv RepairMarine Electronics InstallationNetwork Cable InstallationSwitchTelevision Service RepairTv Antenna InstallationTv Repair ShopTv Repair ShopsVideo Camera RentalVisual Graphic Systems IncVisuals By Marianne
Winters Trucking Inc
25 Rodgers StAvenel,
07001 7325743333
Bes TruckingCra Trucking Co IncCrivelli Trucking CoLocal Trucking ServiceTrucking Companies
Wireless Street Talk
1600 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7326800500
Antique Telephone RepairCell Phone Flashing And RepairCell Phone Repair ShopsCell Phone Screen RepairCell Phone StoresCell PhonesCellco PartnershipCellphone RepairCellular StoresUsed Cell PhonesWireless Phone StoresWireless Phones
Wireless Telecom
354 Avenel StAvenel,
07001 7326366722
Cell PhonesHughesnet Satellite InternetSatellite & Cable Tv Equipment & Systems Repair & ServiceSatellite Equipment & SystemsTelevision Service RepairTv Repair ShopTv Repair ShopsWireless Attenna CableWireless Communication
Wirtshafter, David Glenn, MD
1500 Saint Georges Ave # 2Avenel,
07001 7325740198
David Gutstein MdDoctorDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesDr David PettigrewFamily DoctorFamily PhysiciansGeneral PractitionerGynecologist DoctorsMedicalPhysicians Surgeons
Wok & Roll
1624 Saint Georges AveAvenel,
07001 7323881968
Asian Restaurants DeliveryAsian SupermarketsCatering RestaurantsChina Moon Rt 28 Bridgewater NjChinese & Japanese RestaurantsChinese Buffet RestaurantsChinese Delivery Near MeChinese Food Delivery Near MeChinese RestaurantChinese Restaurants DeliveryChinese Restaurants Open After MidnightChinese Restaurants Rt 18 East Brunswick NjChinese Take OutChinesetake OutChiness Take OutDinerDinersDining RestaurantsHillside Chinese RestaurantKing Wok Chinese Restaurant InKorean FoodMadison WokPan Asian RestaurantsRestaurant CouponsRestaurants Chinese DeliveryRestaurants CouponsRestaurants DowntownRestaurants HiringRestaurants On The WaterRestaurants That DeliverRestaurants With Party RoomsRestaurants With Private RoomSteak RestaurantsThai FoodUsed Restaurant Equipment Supplies
Woliansky & Doyle
239 Avenel St # 10Avenel,
07001 7328551300
AttorneyAttorneys Employment LawBusinessesCriminal Law AttorneysDivorce AttorneysDivorce LawyersDivorce MediationEstate Planning AttorneysEviction AttorneyEviction LawyerFamily CourtFamily Law AttorneysFamily Medicine General PracticeFree Legal AidGeneral Practice AttorneysImmigration Law Portuguese AttorneysLandlord AttorneysLaw FirmsLawyers DuiLawyers Wills Estates Trusts ProbateMorris Robert F Brennan Law FirmOffice Business SystemsPersonal Injury Law AttorneysProbate And Estate AttorneysReal Estate AttorneysReal Estate LawyersReal Estate OfficesTenant Attorneys
Woliansky Marc A
239 Avenel St # 10Avenel,
07001 7328551300
Criminal Law AttorneysDivorce AttorneysDivorce LawyersFamily Law AttorneysLandlord AttorneysReal Estate Attorneys
Woodbine Avenue Elementary
89 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7326028523
Canfield Ave School Board Of EducationHome Health Aide Training SchoolNo 20 Claremont Ave School Elementary SchoolPrivate Schools (K 12)Private Schools K 12Public Elementary SchoolsPublic High SchoolsPublic School ElementaryThe Avenue AtTop Elementary Schools
Woodbine Gardens
1 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7323960665
Commercial Real EstateDuplexesHomes For RentHouses For RentMount Arlington GardensReal Estate AgentsReal Estate BrokersReal Estate CompaniesReal Estate OfficesRealtorRealtorsRental Homes
Woodbridge Child Care Ctr
238 Avenel StAvenel,
07001 7326361100
CaringChild Care CenterChild Care CentersChild Care Day CareChildcare CentersChildrens PlaceChristian Day Care CentersDay Care Centers & NurseriesDay Care Centers NurseriesDay Care ChildDaycare CentersDaycare For Autistic ChildrenDaycaresGymnastics IncHillside Day Care CenterInfant CareInfant DaycareKindergartenLearning CentersLincroft Center For ChildrenNurseryRoxbury Day Care Ctr
Woodbridge Development Ctr
1275 Rahway AveAvenel,
07001 7324995500
Career Services CtrDevelopmentDmv OfficeWeigh Station
Woodbridge Gardens
1209 Leesville AveAvenel,
07001 7323813131
Apartment ComplexApartment Finder Rental ServiceApartment For RentApartments By All Bills PaidApartments For Rent Zip Code 11369Apartments FurnishedApartments With No Credit CheckApt For RentBad Credit ApartmentsCheap ApartmentsCheap Studio ApartmentsDisabled ApartmentsDuplex ApartmentsDuplexes For RentEfficiency ApartmentsFlorence ApartmentsFurnished ApartmentsHomes For RentHouses For RentLow Income ApartmentsLow Income Based ApartmentsMobile Homes For RentMount Arlington GardensRedfielde ApartmentsRental PropertiesRental PropertyRental Vacancy Listing ServiceRoom For RentRooms For RentSection 8 ApartmentsSubsidized ApartmentsTownhomes For RentTra Apartments
Woodbridge Gardens
515 Murray StAvenel,
07001 7323884500
Fountain Pen RepairMount Arlington GardensOutdoor Fountains
Woodbridge Land Rover
885 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7326348200
Auto DealerAuto DealersAuto SalesAutodealersAutomotiveCar DealerCar DealersCar DealershipCar DealershipsCar LotsCar SalesCotton ClubDch Freehold Toyota ScionDifeo Lexus A Unitedauto DealershipFord Auto DealersGenerator DealersNew Car DealersSalt Auto SalesSchwartz Hino Mitsubishi FusoSuburban Auto MallThat Honey PlaceUsed Car Dealers In House Financing
Woodbridge PBA
RODGERS And US HwyAvenel,
07001 7323823838
Labor Unions
Woodbridge School of Dance
1308 St George AveAvenel,
07001 7326364740
Public email (click to show)
Woodbridge School of Dance offers a wide variety of dance classes for all ages and all levels led by a star studded team of seasoned instructors. Dedicated to helping all of her students grow their talent, many of Jacqui O'Shaughnessy's students have gone on to careers in dance, many as performers and some as studio owners and teachers.
Mon-Fri: 4:00pm - 9:30pm
Sat: 9:00am - 3:30pm
Beginner Dance Classes
Open Business in New Tab
Woodbridge Schools
103 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7323967020
Board EducationBogota High SchoolHome Health Aide Training SchoolHopewell Valley Ymca After School ProgramNorth Arlington Middle SchoolPrivate Schools (K 12)Private Schools K 12Public Elementary SchoolsPublic High SchoolsPublic School ElementaryPublic SchoolsRoxbury High SchoolSouth Amboy School DistrictWeehawken High School
Woodbridge Ski & Snowboard
994 US Highway 1Avenel,
07001 7326361645
Colorado Ski Shop IncParagon SportsSki Equipment Snowboard RentalsSki RentalSki RentalsSnow Ski Rental
Woodbridge Township
428 Woodbine AveAvenel,
07001 7323967024
CityGovernment CityGovernment Offices
Woodbridge Village Associates
305 Village DrAvenel,
07001 7323882211
Apartment ComplexApartment For RentApartments By All Bills PaidApartments For RentApartments FurnishedApartments With No Credit CheckBad Credit ApartmentsCheap ApartmentsCheap Studio ApartmentsDisabled ApartmentsDuplex ApartmentsDuplexesEfficiency ApartmentsElmwood Village ApartmentsFurnished ApartmentsLow Income Based ApartmentsRedfielde ApartmentsSection 8 ApartmentsSubsidized ApartmentsTra Apartments
Wright, Judy O, MD
8 Production WayAvenel,
07001 7325742250
DoctorDoctors OfficeDoctors OfficesFamily DoctorFamily PhysiciansGeneral PractitionerGynecologist DoctorsMedicalPhysicians Surgeons