Roberson Dental Care

(205) 871-2838
Address 357 Office Park Dr #5402 Birmingham, AL, 35223
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At our friendly, full-service dental office, we feature the latest in technology while putting an emphasis on comfort so that your visits with us are virtually pain-free.In order to provide nothing but the best to our patients, our office uses state-of-the-art technologies in all our procedures. Modern dentistry tools and techniques have revolutionized the level of care that restorative and cosmetic treatments can provide. Dr. Roberson uses the latest dental technology to bring exceptional care to our patients by utilizing digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, dual monitors to allow the patients to see their own teeth and X-rays, and CEREC – One Visit Dentistry which allows our office to mill out new crowns within an hour.

Tags: Dentist Birmingham AL, dentist in Birmingham, dentist near me, dentist near me, pediatric dentist near me, family dentistry

Services: General Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Periodontics

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