Carpet Cleaning Service NY


Address 24 W 25th St New York, NY, 10010
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Servicing NYC and surrounding areas, all your carpet care needs can be met while your expectations are exceeded!
Don’t worry, we’ve seen everything from burns to wine spills! Whatever your damage, we’ve got the team, the tools and the products to restore and repair even the most challenging situations. Holes, frays, tears and heavy staining is our specialty! It’s essential that these issues are addressed by experienced professionals who use the proper methods to correct them, and our team is carefully trained to ensure their expertise is top-notch, friendly and ready to answer your questions. If you’ve got damage or repairs that are needed, make it easy for yourself AND your carpets; call us for help! We have the team, tools and products to bring your carpets and upholstery back to life. Pieces and covering with any damage can be beautifully restored to provide you with enjoyment and comfort for years to come. Let our experts attend to every detail with a free, no-hassle quote by calling 718-925-2387.

24 Hours

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all cc, cash

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