Simply Clean Carpet & Upholstery


Address 2402 Pleasant Run Dr Richmond, VA, 23238
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Nothing is better than coming home after a long day to relax in your luxurious carpeted living room or bedroom.
But have you thought about how dirty your carpets can get? From dust and dander to food spills and stains, your carpets can trap all sorts of messes.
Simply Clean is here to help. We offer professional carpet cleaning in Midlothian, VA, to ensure that you always have the comfortable carpet you love.
Our professional team at Simply Clean takes our job very seriously.
We know that allergens, stains, dander, and spills are annoying and dangerous for your family and pets, so we use a unique truck-mounted rotary method of cleaning.
This includes hot water deep cleaning and extraction for even the toughest of stains and most highly trafficked areas of carpet.

Mon-Fri: 8AM-6PM,
Sat: 8AM-12:30PM,
Sun: Closed

Payment Types
Visa, Discover, American Express, Check

Year established

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