Wedding Flower Centerpieces NYC


Address 307-311 E 53rd St New York, NY, 10022
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At Wedding Flower Centerpieces NYC, we ensure the wedding flowers do what they should: reflect your personality, enhance the décor, help create the ideal atmosphere and, above all, complement your look.
- Our floral arrangements grab you. Creations that bring a gasp or smile of disbelief. From the stunningly extravagant to the stylishly simple, we dare to be different.
- The basis of great floral design is technique. Only then can you realise your vision. Like a dancer, our designs are elegant because they are strong. If we can imagine it, we can create it.
- We see a close relationship between our type of floristry and fashion. We work at the cutting edge, both in the quality of work we produce and the expectations of our clients.
- We dare to be different. We have developed a strong personal signature, but one that is always evolving. Inspired by the world around us, alert to changing trends, open to fresh ideas.
- We put our hearts into every single design, every last bouquet. For us, anything less would be unthinkable.
- Our designs may be prima donnas, but we’re not. We love making people happy. We can advise or simply listen to your needs. Because we realise that in the end, it’s all about you.
Call us now: (917) 764-8794.

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