Custom Carpet & Rug Cleaning


Address 504 E 14th St New York, NY, 10009
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Custom Carpet & Rug Cleaning is a full service solution for all your floor care needs. We serve both residential and commercial clients in NYC and the surrounding area. Whether you need just one area rug deep cleaned, or you have thousands of square feet of carpets that need to be taken care of, we’ll be there for you. While there are many options available for cleaning your rugs or carpets, our team is undoubtedly the best and can provide you with the services you need. If you have any questions for us, or you would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 9177647432 to speak with one of our customer service professionals. You can also browse through this site to get answers to commonly asked questions.

24 Hours

Payment Types
all cc, cash

Year established

Car Wash
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