Rug Cleaners Brooklyn


Address 10 Jay St #1222 Brooklyn, NY, 11201
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If you need any of your floor coverings cleaned or repaired, we are here to help you every step of the way. Whether this is for your home or business, we’ll be able to provide you with the level of service you desire. To schedule an appointment or to talk with one of our team members about your needs, please give us a call at 646-558-2449. Thank you for visiting Rug Cleaners Brooklyn, we look forward to serving you soon.

Monday 8am–8pm Tuesday 8am–8pm Wednesday 8am–8pm Thursday 8am–8pm Friday 8am–8pm Saturday 8am–8pm Sunday 8am–8pm

Rug Cleaners Brooklyn, Rug Cleaners, Carpet Cleaners
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