Chimney Sweep by Atlantic Cleaning


Address 75 E 77th St New York, NY, 10075
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Having a chimney and fireplace in your home can be a real blessing and enjoyment. But like anything, Chimney boiler’s pipe and Fireplaces require regular maintenance if they’re to continue to serve you and operate the way they were designed to. And part of that maintenance involves regular cleaning services.
Chimney sweeping is needed to remove creosote deposits and other debris from chimneys and vents.
Creosote buildup in chimneys can lead to chimney fires and flue blockages, both of which can seriously threaten the safety of you and your family.Chimney/ Fireplace cleaning is a vital service to protect the health and safety of your family and home. All chimneys, including the chimney for your furnace, should be inspected annually, with cleaning performed as needed.
Call us today and make sure your system is clean and ready to be enjoyed: 347-518-5819.

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Chimney Cleaning
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