Custom Closets Downtown NYC

(347) 897-9946
Address 157 Fashion Ave New York, NY, 10018
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We strive to understand and meet the needs of our customers, suppliers and partners and to act responsibly and fairly to deliver the best possible quality, timing and budget.

Our main Custom Closets features include top quality hardware which allows you to load a good quantity of clothing articles, pull out shoe-drawers and inclined shoe shelves, pull out accessory drawers with compartments for jewelry, belts and ties, velvet and leather covers for the drawers and pull out drawers for the accessories.

We are a green company and we strive to minimize our environmental footprint, promote fair competition and improve communities in which we live and work.
Call us today: (347) 8979946.

Monday To Sunday, 10AM–5PM

Year established

Cabinet Makers
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