Boss the Pet Connection

(561) 592-1535

Address 6601 W Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL, 33437
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"Enrique was born in Lima - Perú. At the early age of 14, he started as an assistant dog trainer for a K-9 Unit.

Not soon after developing his skills, he opened his own business offering:

• Grooming

• Obediance

• Overall Animal Care

In his 20's Enrique moved to California where he started offering his services to high-end clientele. Over the last 28 years he has developed a proven technique based on the principles of: ""Yin and Yang""

Positive Accomplishment using balanced, educated and experienced energy.

Nowadays Enrique owns and runs the Boss The Pet Connections stores located thought Florida offering many services and excellent quality to pet owners and their loved pets."

MON 8:30AM-5:00PM
TUE 8:30AM-5:00PM
THR 8:30AM-5:00PM
FRI 8:30AM-5:00PM
WED Closed
SAT Closed
SUB Closed

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