Red Rock Pest Control

(702) 518-2580

Address 4300 North Pecos Rd Suite 29 Las Vegas, NV, 89115
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In our area of Southern Nevada, we deal with a wide variety of different household and business-invading pests. Are you finding rodents in your home or business? Are termites causing costly damage to your property? Are bed bugs causing you sleepless nights and unneeded stress? Red Rock Pest Control can help! Providing effective solutions to even the toughest of pest problems, we are here to meet all of your pest control needs. With affordable pricing, customizable services, free inspections, exceptional customer service, and a team of experienced technicians, we're your one-stop shop for all things pest control!

Monday to Friday: 7am to 8pm
Saturday: 8am to 5pm

Payment Types
Cash, Debit & Credit Card

Year established

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