Cleaning Rug NYC

+1 (718) 840-3531
Address 3 Park Ave suite 499 New York, NY, 10016
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When looking at your options related to cleaning carpets, you will see that there are many different ways you could go. We believe that we offer the best carpet and rug care solutions anywhere in New York, and would love the opportunity to prove it. Over the years our team has helped many individuals and businesses with all sorts of different carpet cleaning jobs. If you would like to schedule us to come out and take care of your cleaning needs, please give us a call at 718-840-3531 to speak with one of our customer service professionals. You can also keep reading to learn why you should choose us for all your floor covering care needs.

Monday to Sunday 8am–9pm

Carpet cleaning service, cleaning products, Cleaning Process, Rug Cleaning, Rug Repair and Restoration
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