Brooklyn Home Health Aide

(917) 9055801
Address 5905 8th Ave, Suite 212 Brooklyn, NY, 11220
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House Calls Home Care works around your schedule to meet your needs. In addition to receiving Home Health Aide services, we can assist with getting approved nursing visits from your insurance company to help with the following services:

Monitor vital signs
Changing dressing for wounds
Administering medications, injections, or other treatments
G-tube feeding
Nurses will schedule visits with the client every 90 days.
Private Pay
Where you pay out of pocket for services not covered by your insurance company.
Private Pay you are in charge of how many hours, days, and time of service.

If you are unsure of how many hours or days make sense for your specific situation, or you have a loved one who is resistant to accepting help in his or her home, we offer a low-cost, in-home Assessment Session with a nurse, who will recommend the type of services and amount of care that are best for you.

Open 24 hours

Payment Types
All cc, cash, check

Health Care Plans
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