Forge Applied Science & Technology


Address 234 N 5th St Quincy, IL, 62301
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The current pandemic has strained healthcare systems globally and many institutions have been forced to find ways to reuse resources that were once considered disposable. In response Forge has developed a novel point of care sterilization device using augmented UV-C light, The Rushlight™ 1.0. With our device we hope to facilitate rapid sterilization/disinfection of personal equipment thus bolstering the safety of healthcare providers nationwide as well as limiting the spread of hospital acquired infections.
Sterilization units can be placed at nursing stations throughout the hospital or clinic setting, allowing for seamless, rapid sterilization of items taken between patient rooms including but not limited to stethoscopes, N95 masks, or glucometers. The device is user friendly and could be operated by any healthcare provider with minimal training. The Rushlight™ and Rushlight XL™, are in final stages of development and testing. In addition, we have models that can be safely used at home or in an office setting.

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