Bathroom Remodel Long Island

(516) 255-6709

Address 17 Maple Dr, suite 213 Great Neck, NY, 11021
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No matter which room you are renovating, one of the most important things to think about is the lighting. This applies especially to the bathroom because it is often very important for you to be able to see. If you’re going to be completing a bathroom remodel in the near future, make sure you have a good plan for what types of lights you want to use.

The first thing to keep in mind is that all the lights in your bathroom need to be able to resist the high levels of moisture that are often present during a bath or a shower. If the lighting fixture isn’t made for this type of thing, the moisture could cause a short circuit and even put you at risk for a fire.

Fortunately, most modern fixtures are perfectly safe for use in these environments. If you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to ask one of your bathroom remolding professionals today.

You’re going to want to start off with several lights that are designed to illuminate the entire room. These are often recessed lights that go up into the ceiling and shine light down throughout the area. The number of these lights you will need will depend on the size of the room. You will always want to have at least two, but for larger bathrooms, six or even eight may be required. These are the lights that will come on when the main switch is flipped, and will be the most commonly used lights.

Monday - Friday 9AM–7PM Saturday - Sunday 10AM–6PM

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