Elevate Wedding Officiant


Address N/a Denver, CO, 80206
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Congratulations on finding the love of your life! My wife and I have been married for 20 years now and I truly honor those who share the commitment. After I was asked to officiate my dear friend’s wedding, I had to share this experience again with others. As the raving reviews continued to flow in, I knew I was making a difference. That was nearly 100 weddings ago!
I have an incredible team of officiants to serve our couples so that we will always be available for your special day. We have a true passion for making your wedding the most memorable day of your lives. We cater to your needs and assure you that your wedding will be elevated for the two of you as well as for your guests.
We hold the title of officiant very dear to our hearts and will make sure you and your guests will always smile when remembering your special day. I am often asked what makes us better and different and I believe our reviews answer that question.

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