Lighthouse Towing Service


Address 80.01 Castor Avenue Shop1088 Philadelphia, PA 19152 Philadelphia, PA, 19152
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Lighthouse Towing Service is here to help you 24 hours a day. Lighthouse Towing Service is the number one provider of towing, roadside assistance and tow truck services in Philadelphia. Our towing and tow truck services are the best roadside assistance services in Philadelphia. We are the most reliable towing and tow truck service to get you to your destination. We understand towing and tow truck services and it comes to towing and roadside assistance you have a choice. We strive to provide the best towing and tow truck service in Philadelphia at competitive local rates other companies don't provide for your roadside assistance.

24 hours

Payment Types
Visa, Master, Amex, Diners, JCB, Debit Master, Discover, Visa Debit, and Maestro

Year established
2016 - 2020

Tow Truck
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