Green Carpet Cleanup

Address 400 E 66th St 10 E, New York, NY, 10065
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Over time carpets and area rugs can build up on sand, germs, meal bits, unstable natural substances, allergens, pesticides, and chemical contaminations. All this coupled with frequent foot traffic results in the early deterioration of a carpet or area rug. Regardless of how much you brush a carpet or rug, it also seems to need more thorough cleaning.

To save your rug from the general wear and tear that comes with time, it is important to routinely maintain a carpet or area rug by calling experienced carpet restoration and cleaning services.At Green Carpet Clean Up, we service all parts of New York with professional carpet /area rug cleaning services.

Monday - Thursday 8am–9pm, Friday8:30am–9pm, Sunday8am–9pm

Carpet & Rug Cleaners
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