Perlina Jewelers

(718) 648-0501
Address 2102 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY, 11229
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Perlina Jewelers opened its doors in Sheepsheadbay area of Brooklyn in April 2002 and since them established itself as one of the best jewelry boutiques in Brooklyn and beyond.

Family owned and operated Perlina Jewelers always differentiated itself among other retails stores by bringing the latest jewelry fashion trends, one of the kind jewelry pieces , exclusive official representation for the world known designers and brands.

Perlina Jewelers collection is changing all the time to make sure we're on trend always and making sure our customers will always find the best selection for themselves at the best available price.

Here, at Perlina Jewelers, we strive to bring beauty to the masses and make our jewelry available to any buyer. You can use interest-free installments for any product up to 24 months.

Mon - Sat 11 am - 6 pm Sunday 11 am - 5 pm

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