Stretch Workz


Address 4418 MacArthur Blvd NW b2 Washington, DC, 20007
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StretchWorkz is a locally-owned DC stretch massage studio. Co-founders Ben Atanga and Tom French have worked hard to build their business into the five locations they have today. At any of the DC and southern Maryland studios, clients have found five-star partner-assisted stretching from highly-skilled specialists. They work to strengthen the joints and loosen the muscles in a safe way, yet these stretches are deeper than one can achieve on his own. StretchWorkz is combining the benefits of Yoga, physical therapy, and massage to create a safe and natural way to improve physical and mental wellness.
Business Phone: 202-758-3223
Address: 4418 MacArthur Blvd NW b2, Washington, DC 20007, United States
Keyword: Stretch Workz

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