Dogface Equipment

Address 2153 Warm Springs Road Salt Lake City, UT, 84116
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Tom Ramsey, owner, and CEO of Dog Face Equipment in Salt Lake City, Utah isn’t new to the heavy equipment business. For him, heavy machinery is in his blood. He’s been dealing with heavy equipment and machinery sales for over half of his life. Tom began his career over 30 years ago in the sales and leasing department for a well-known dealership. After outgrowing his position, he moved on to an even larger heavy machinery dealership. Here he worked with a wide variety of tools, exotic cars and every type of machinery you can think of. There he learned how to repair every piece of machinery possible. Tom spent over 20 years at the dealership sharpening his skills on heavy machinery sales, repairs and more. While content with his position at the dealership, he was still looking for more. This is where Dog Face Equipment was born. He was able to bring the valuable experience and knowledge he learned at the heavy equipment dealership to Dog Face Equipment.

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