

Address 222 S Main, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, UT, 84101
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Whether you are a busy attorney in San Diego needing a damages expert to meet a tight deadline, a business owner in Dallas seeking a business valuation, or a manufacturing company in Denver requiring a reliable business interruption loss analysis, Arrowfish Consulting is the place to turn. We will provide you with the highest level of professional service at competitive rates that will meet your specific needs.
The confidence our clients place in us is something we highly value. You can trust that when you engage Arrowfish Consulting, that confidence is earned. We treat every customer as a top priority, from our smallest business venture to our largest multi-national conglomerate or law firm. For all of your economic and financial analysis needs, we give you decades of experience, reliable analysis, quick responses, competitive rates and personal service.

9:00AM To 5:00PM

Business Valuation Consultants
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