
(866) 657-6642

Address 208 B Johnny Bench Dr. Oklahoma City, OK, 73104
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SONIC is an American success story that continues to flourish with every new chapter. After three previous business ventures, founder Troy Smith struck gold with the first SONIC Drive-In located in the small town of Shawnee, Oklahoma. Smith’s vision and knack for spotting customer trends gave us our first state-of-the-art intercom system and, as they say, the rest is history. Built on innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, SONIC’s story lives on through our incredible corporate leadership and franchise owners. We dare to dream bigger and never stop asking “what if?” With a unique business model, diverse menu, proven demand, and technological advancements, SONIC prove it’s a brand positioned for exponential growth for years to come.

Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Payment Types
Automated Cash

Year established

Franchising, Restaurant Services
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