

Address 4010 Moorpark Ave, 114 San Jose, CA, 95117
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MEDvidi is an online mental health treatment center that provides our patients with professional ongoing therapy and medication management.
Our team includes qualified and licensed mental health professionals specializing in treating emotional and mental ailments. We provide online ADHD treatment, as well as the best anxiety, depression, stress, OCD and insomnia treatment.
In order to prescribe medication, a prescribing provider has to be licensed in the state where the patient is located. Currently, we have prescribing providers who are licensed to serve residents of Florida, California, New York, Texas, Washington, Colorado, Illinois, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.
Going to the specialist’s facility for treatment can be difficult and time-consuming for both patients and their loved ones. MEDvidi offers you a convenient, efficient, and cost-effective way to receive treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Mental Health Services, Mental Health Clinics & Information, Health & Welfare Clinics, Medical & Health Care, Medical Services
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