Ferrante & Koenig, PLLC

Address 3620 East Tremont Avenue, Suite 200 Bronx, NY, 10465
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Ferrante & Koenig are New York injury attorneys who have devoted their careers to fighting for justice for people like you. They've helped hundreds of people pick up the pieces after an accident and move forward with their lives.

Given that you're researching personal injury attorneys, we assume that you or a loved one has been injured. A consultation with us to discuss the details of your case is absolutely free of charge.

We invite you to give us a call if you've been injured. You will get an honest opinion and a clear assessment of your potential injury case. Every matter is taken on a contingency fee basis, which means that if we can help you there will be no fee unless we obtain a verdict or settlement in your case.


Legal Services, Personal Injury Law Attorneys
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