Smith Dray Line Movers of Greenville

(864) 351-0606

Address 320 Park Commerce Rd Greenville, SC, 29611
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Local Household or Long Distance Moves. Is a company or office relocation in your future? The skilled commercial moving services of Smith Dray are available to handle your packing, storage, pick up, delivery and custom crating needs. Professional-grade packing materials are used by expert packers to protect your equipment and assets. Our experienced, trained staff are prepared to effortlessly meet your requirements so your company can focus on the business. Contact us to learn more about our state-of-the-art Greenville fleet.

Monday 8am-8pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm
Wednesday 8am-8pm
Thursday 8am-8pm
Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 8am-5pm
Sunday Closed

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