Cleaning Services Flatiron


Address 247 3rd Ave New York, NY, 10010
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Cleaning Services Flatiron one of the most reliable cleaning companies. Well trained team has consistently been ranked as one of the best house cleaning companies in Brooklyn.
Cleaning Services Flatiron love to keep it sparkling. Our mission is to make your home a cleaner, safer, and healthier place with one cleaning visit at a time. Knowing about the busy schedule of everyday life Cleaning Services Flatiron believes that a clean home is the same as a happy customer!
Cleaning Services Flatiron proffering many other services including: major and basic cleaning, move-in and move-out cleaning, post construction and renovation cleanup, housekeeping services (meal preparation, grocery shopping for an environmentally clear and safe solution, laundry and ironing), party help (before, during and after), organizing (closets, cupboards, attics, garages), packing and unpacking, spring and fall cleaning. Eco friendly, mass free, comfort for family, coworkers, friends. Call (929) 605-6167 or email us in a hurry to make an appointment.

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