Russian Funeral Home ( Похоронный Дом )

(347) 758-4122

Address 237 Avenue U #753 Brooklyn, NY, 11223
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Welcome to Russian Funeral Home ( Похоронный Дом )!
The right Funeral Services can make a big difference when you are dealing with the passing of a loved one. You should choose a funeral home in Brooklyn that offers courtesy, compassion and respect to you and your family.
Our experienced Funeral Directors will sit with you, in person or via phone to talk you through the process and your options. Russian Funeral Home (Похоронный Дом) can be your choice to help with the funeral services best suited for you and your loved one’s final journey.
A funeral service is filled with many emotions and memories and we can help prepare your family for this time.Russian Funeral Home (Похоронный Дом) will help you choose the right service to commemorate your loved one’s memory.
There are many funeral homes in Brooklyn. Generally, users search nearby funeral homes that’s why they put queries like “funeral home near me” or “low-cost funeral in Brooklyn, NY” and many more. Our team of professionals provides you with easy, fast and reliable funeral shipping at low-cost funerals in Brooklyn, NY. We offer a large selection of caskets so that your loved one’s final resting place represents tranquillity and peace. Our knowledgeable professional courteous staff and expert funeral technicians can help preserve and present your loved one in a professional and dignified manner.
Our Funeral Directors are knowledgeable about different customs from various cultures that you can elect to perform on your loved one if you wish. Russian Funeral Home ( Похоронный Дом )works with several local establishments so that these customs can be performed in a timely manner.
A viewing can be scheduled at your convenience and at different times. The viewing can be combined with religious services and also with cremation or burial. We work with local religious officiants who can be part of the funeral service Or we are happy to utilize an officiant of your choice to perform the service.

24 Hours

Payment Types
Cc, cash, check

Year established

Funeral Supplies & Services
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