Holistic Biological Dentist

(954) 676-7129

Address 104 SE 1st Street, suite 21 Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33301
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Are you looking for anxiety free, holistic dentistry in the Fort Lauderdale area? You’re in the right place. If you’ve had trouble finding your own holistic dentist that can allow you to take back control of your oral health, the team at Holistic Biological Dentist can help.
Holistic dentistry, often called natural or biological dentistry, is growing in popularity. Essentially, biological dentistry and holistic dentistry are the same. The two terms are interchangeable, so it’s common to see them used within the same context.
Health-conscious individuals across the country are looking for alternative solutions to traditional dental procedures like mercury fillings and chemical teeth whitening. A holistic approach to dentistry, or integrative dentistry, sees the mouth as an integrated part of the body and considers oral health problems as they relate to total body health. A biological dentist assesses a patient’s entire state of physical and emotional health before deciding on treatments. A traditional dentist often treats symptoms, while a biological dentist tries to find the root cause of the symptom. A traditional dentist may see a cavity, drill it, and fill it. But a holistic dentist will inquire about a patient’s diet, alcohol consumption, workout regimen, hormone imbalances, and sleep patterns that may promote healing and prevention. To learn more about Holistic Biological Dentistry in Fort Lauderdale, call (954) 6767129.

Monday-Saturday 8:30am–5pm

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