Spanish School 4Kids INC


Address 215 W 23rd St Houston, TX, 77008
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Spanish School 4Kids INC, is a Spanish immersion Preschool based on play-based learning. Our number one priority is child safety. Our second goal is for children to become lifelong learners. We teach Spanish by making learning FUN!!!! We offer preschool ages 2-5years old from August-May. Then from May-August we offer summer camp for ages 2-8 years old. We basically follow HoustonISD calendar (holiday only not early dismissal). Our groups are mixed not separated by age. Other day services: Play with Amigos, a drop-off program from 2-5 years old. Other Programs on site: Soccer Shots and Tippy Toes We are very flexible to work with parents in order to make their lives easier. Whatever service you need we try to offer it.

Preschools & Kindergarten
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