Santa Cruz Drug Rehab


Address 1016 W Cliff Dr Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
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Since 1981, Santa Cruz Drug Rehab has been a leader in providing top quality, effective and affordable addiction treatment for men and women. One step in the right direction can be the start of a whole new life.

Addiction is often completely misunderstood, not only by those that may know or love a person that has an addiction, but by the addicted person themselves. All areas of life including emotional, mental, spiritual and physical need to be addressed during recovery and treatment. When there is a focus on all areas, combined with careful planning, abstinence from the addicting behavior and proper treatment, long term success with recovery can be achieved.

Santa Cruz Drug Rehab provides treatment services that are geared around a Twelve Step recovery program like Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous and with a structured residential environment we are able to focus on the individual needs of each client in order to hinder the addiction and rehabilitate lives. Our goal is always to redevelop each individual client so they can return to their community a productive and sober person.

All clients are expected to fully participate actively in their individual treatment in order to achieve full success. The program offers lectures on sober living, in depth social skill training and intense therapy that includes Twelve Step meetings and life lessons to assist well beyond recovery. Our program transverses through three stages, each lasting 30 to 60 days depending on the progression of the individual. By the second stage, individuals are expected to obtain employment and contribute to the residence they are living in. Life skills such as cooking, checkbook balancing, shopping and time management will be focused on in the final stage of the program.

Drug Abuse & Addiction Centers
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