Rochester Cleaning Service


Address 99 Canal Landing Blvd Suite 3a Rochester, NY, 14626
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Rochester Cleaning Service specializes in commercial and office cleaning throughout Rochester and surrounding communities. We area cleaning experts that take great pride in offering the best services at fair and affordable prices.

We offer a wide range of cleaning services that are designed to fit around your schedule. Some of our most popular services include...Office Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Medical Offices, Manufacturing Facilities, Industrial, Post Construction Clean up, Car Dealerships, Educational Buildings and much more.

We are fully licensed and insured, highly skilled, and have many years of experience in providing cleaning services to businesses in the area. Our staff of cleaners specialize in all areas of cleaning...from floors to windows and everything in between.

Please contact us today to learn more about our commercial and office cleaning services, and to set up an appointment for one of our professionals to come out and give you an estimate on your job. We look forward to speaking with you and proving why we're to best cleaning service in Rochester NY!

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