Mike's Plumbing of Southwest Florida, Inc.

Address 1724 Santa Barbara Blvd Unit A Naples, FL, 34116
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Mike's Plumbing was originally founded by Micheal Bohall as Mike's Plumbing of Naples, before becoming Mike's Plumbing of SW FLA Inc. in 1996. Today it is owned by Micheal's son Jeremy Bohall. Jeremy has been a plumber in the Naples area since 1998 and is a fully licensed Master plumber. Jeremy spent much of his early years working for several other plumbing companies on projects ranging from small residential construction to custom homes & large commercial projects, venturing into service work in 2006. Jeremy joined the family business in 2013 and took ownership in 2014. Since 2014 he has grown the family business and quickly helped to build a reputation for Mike's Plumbing as one of the best Plumbing Service Companies in SW Fla.

Mon - Fri : 8am - 5pm

Payment Types
Visa, MC, Amex

Year established

Social Mediawww.facebook.com
Sitehttps://www.mikesplumbingswfl.com false or inaccurate data? improve business info

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