

Address 325 N. Altadena Drive, Pasadena, CA, 91107
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Climb30 brings you the best fitness and innovative performance plan with the VersaClimber workout. It is a stair climbing workout that engages important parts of the body and provides complete workout plan. It is a new and innovative way of working out that combines the benefits of cardio and strength training in one. With Climb 30 VersaClimber workout, you will get toned lower and upper body at the same time. It is designed in the style stairs and involves climbing like you do on the stairs. All you need is just a 30-minute workout onVersaClimber to see a considerable difference on your legs and arms. The features include 1 to 20-inch step height with 1 to 20-inch upper body workout. It has been designed using the cutting-edge technology to provide an effective workout system for everyone. The machine comes with some of the most advanced features like the voice feedback module display, variable resistance control, heart rate monitoring, soft padded side hand rails and more.

fitness, Health & Fitness Program Consultants, Gymnasiums
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