Retrofit Windows


Address 5610 7th Ave Sacramento, CA, 95820
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Not only do we provide the best product on the market, we decided to make it as affordable as possible. If the job is not done perfectly, it means it is not complete. We promise to finish every detail and leave the customer completely thrilled. Contact us to schedule a complimentary in-home evaluation of your project!

We make replacement windows using our special patent glazing techniques. That is why our windows are considered nearly the most energy saving in the whole range of double-pane units. They were built and developed especially for California and to meet all the requirements for all the types of Californian climate.

When we started Retrofit Windows we did not want to be just another construction company. We saw the range of work and service that many “ordinary” companies offered, and essentially we wanted to provide something much better.

With over 15 successful years of industry experienced, we have learned what matters most to our customers. Retrofit Windows has built its reputation in the building industry on trust, hard work, and a dedication to serving the customer. Retrofit Windows is a certified Anlin dealer, Diamond Certified, as well as an accredited business with the BBB with an A+ Rating.

Mon-Sat 8 a.m – 6 p.m

Payment Types
All cc, cash.

Window Cleaning
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