Arrow Security


Address 300 W Main St. Smithtown, NY, 11787
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Arrow Security was founded in 1985 by Edward Ahrens, a decorated New York City police officer who started the business after being injured in the line of duty. In these formative years, the groundwork of our steadfast philosophy was established by capable security veterans with a desire to improve the way security was handled by organizations. During this time, the company amassed a small list of clients that firmly believed in our ‘partnership for security’ approach. Most security companies then, and to this day, simply show up and use their ‘presence’ to deter crimes. Because security threats and challenges evolve over time, Arrow Security understood that optimal security was about implementing a long-term security plan, while providing complete visibility, advanced technologies and the most experienced and knowledgeable security staff. Over time Arrow Security’s client base grew much larger, fueled by this incomparable philosophy. Sadly, Arrow Security’s founder, Edward Ahrens, passed away in 1995.

Year established

Security Services
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