San Diego Fencing Co.


Address 1025 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA, 92101
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Getting a professional firm that is very setup and build your fence is a major decision to make for any business owner or homeowner. As San Diego's most trusted and most reputable company for fence construction, we're there to assist any sort of fence operator that is aspiring, big or little. Whether you're looking for a fence for business or your home, give us a call. We assist with a variety of fencing jobs that are related, including wood counter tops, wrought iron fences, vinyl fences, steel fences, aluminum fences, chain-link fences, split rail fences, privacy fences, and more. We love all the styles that are different that San Diego is in your mind for the various types of properties. We love of the beach houses fences and even the structures that are suburban. We have you covered with a pool fence if you need to keep the critters or the pets from this pool. Call San Diego Fencing Pros to find a quote now for your fence.

6am-7:30pm 7 days a week

San Diego Fencing Co.
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