Car Specials NYC


Address 914 Columbus Ave #297 New York, NY, 10025
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If you are a resident of the greatest city in the world, you are going to find that you absolutely must have a car. In addition to being a personal preference, it is necessary to have one with the rising prices of property and travel in the present day. It is a way for you to save a lot of money, because there are so many expensive cabs out there. After all, this is the most popular way of getting around in the city. It is so insanely easy to step outside, whistle and flag down a cab. What you don’t realize is that all of these little fares add up, and at the end of the month if you tally them all up, you have a hefty bill where you could have had your own private vehicle for about the same price. You can solve this rather easily by buying or leasing a car. If you choose to lease a vehicle, you should definitely come to Car Specials NYC to get started now!

Mon–Thu 9am – 9pm
Fri 9am–7pm
Sat 9am–9pm
Sun 10am–7pm

Car Rental
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