Rug & Carpet Cleaning Brooklyn


Address 75 Metropolitan Ave, suite 415A Brooklyn, NY, 11249
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When you want to have your carpets cleaned in Brooklyn, you need to take time to find a qualified professional to do it. It is not a decision that you want to take lightly, especially since you will be leaving your carpet in the hands of whomever you hire. The best carpet cleaning is done by professionals who have the equipment, knowledge, and experience to get the job done right. If you have oriental or antique rugs, hiring a professional is paramount to the results you will receive. Incorrect cleaning or the wrong chemicals can damage your carpet or rug beyond repair.

We are a company who prides itself on integrity, reliability, and honesty. When you hire our professionals, we will work closely with you and treat you just like family. You are not just a new job or invoice to us. We stick to the motto that if we wouldn’t use the chemical or product in our home, why would we use it in yours?

Silk Rugs do not just look pretty on the floors, but they also make the room warm and inviting. However, if rugs and carpets are taken good care, then they shall remain in top shape for a long time to come. Whether you have a silk rug adorning your living room or a woolen rug in your bedroom, it is quite natural for you to ensure that whoever touches that rug for cleaning takes great care of it. If you are looking for the ideal Silk Rug Cleaning and repair, we are the company to call.

When the job is done, we will even deliver the carpet back to you in no time at all. Just give us a call today and let’s get started on preserving your fine oriental rugs.

24 hours

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cash, check, all cc

Carpet & Rug Cleaners
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