Lap Band Surgery

Address 2828 SW 3rd St Miami, FL, 33135
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Dr.Terushkin’s expertise in laparoscopic techniques and our team’s dedication to support before, during, and after surgeries has resulted in our patients losing an average of 40–50% of their excess weight after completing Lap Band surgery at our facilities.

Lap band surgery is another well-known surgical weight loss option which our team has extensive experience with. With this procedure, a small silicone ring is placed around the upper part of the stomach, which results in partial restriction to the passage of food. This serves a few purposes: the patient feels full faster, and will typically consume smaller portions at each meal, which in turn reduces caloric intake.
Lap Band Surgery. There are specific differences for each procedure, and we find that our patients achieve the best results when they’ve had a chance to consider all available weight loss surgery options. For this reason, we recommend that you schedule an in-person consultation in our medical office. We’ll take the time to walk you through all the various options available (and the requirements particular to each), which will allow you to make an informed decision.

Mon - Tue, Thu 10am - 6pm Wed 9am-5.30pm Fri 9am-4pm

Payment Types
: Cash, all cc, checks

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