San Diego Family Law Attorney


Address 16835 W. Bernardo Dr. Ste. 214 San Diego, CA, 92127
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Stephen’s professionalism, discipline and relentless pursuit of success are values he first learnt when serving in the United States Navy. The Navy taught him to never give up and to always do everything to the best of his abilities. His service in the Navy included the operation Desert Storm for which he was awarded a Combat Action Ribbon. He was later honorably discharged. After his service in the military, Stephen enrolled at the University of California where he pursued and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Political Science. He later enrolled at the California Western School of Law where he graduated with a Juris Doctorate Degree. He was admitted to the bar in 2005 and begun practicing in 2006. He has now remarried and enjoys spending free time with his wife and two children.


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