Memories In Stone


Address 5757 E Clinton Ave Fresno, CA, 93727
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Memories In Stone creates custom headstones, monuments, and memorials for Fresno, CA, and the entire Central Valley. We will fashion a unique, befitting memorial to your loved one that will be artfully made, and delivered in a timely manner. Specifically, Memories In Stone creates custom headstones via the traditional sandblasting, laser etching, gold leaf, or ceramic photo inlay. A description of all of these techniques can be found on our website. Each provides a unique was to capture the image of you wish to portray.

M-F 11AM - 6 PM , Sat 11 AM - 3 PM

Call anytime (24/7) to make an appointment

Payment Types
cash, cashier's check, check, credit and debit cards.

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